Chapter Sub-Topic Subject File No. Publish Date Department Download Keyword
12 12.35 Relaxation of Qualifying Years of Service for Promotion as Head of Department No. AR-3/GEN-174/2007 (pt) 05-04-2021 Personnel and Administrative Reforms addendum the nagaland rules of executive business 2020 part III departmental disposal of business a general clause 34 sub clause ix e
12 12.34 Promotion of govemment Servants found fit by review DPC after retirement procedure and guidelines to be followed. 15-11-2019 Personnel & Training office memorandum hindi version
12 12.33 Promotion of government Servants found fit by review DPC after retirement procedure and guidelines to be followed. No. AR-1/8/88 29-10-2019 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
12 12.32 Amendment of Policy for Relaxation of Qualifying years of service for Promotions No.AR-3/Gen-174/2007(Pt) 29-08-2019 Personnel & Training office memorandum
12 12.31 Amendment of Policy for Relaxation of Qualifying years of service for Promotions No. AR-3/Gen-174/2007 (Pt) 29-08-2019 Personnel & Training office memorandum
12 12.30 Nagaland Lokayukta to perform the duties of the ersthile State Vigilance Commission for Vigilance clearance in respect of all Government servants due for promotion, confirmation No. AR-3/GEN-362/2019 22-05-2019 Personnel & Training notification nagaland rules of executive business 2016 rule 4 first schedule 30 e xii vigilance clearance
12 12.29 Officiating Promotion-Conditions Thereof: No. AR-1/8/88 02-04-2019 Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions office memorandum
12 12.28 Officiating Promotion-Conditions Thereof: No. AR-1/8/88 21-08-2018 Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions OFFICE MEMORANDUM AHOD
12 12.27 Procedure/guidelines to be observed by the Departmental Promotion Committee for Non-Gazetted Posts in the Departments No. AR-1/8/88 19-01-2018 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM DPC
12 12.26 Officiating Promotions-Matter thereof No. AR-1/8/88 19-01-2018 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM
12 12.25 Clarification on promotion of Stenographer and Typists. No. AR-3/Gen-58/2001 26-08-2009 Personnel and Administrative Reforms SPEED TEST
12 12.24 Promotion to Higher Post with retrospective effect NO. PAR-2/3/77 (P1) 04-10-2004 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum service rules DPC
12 12.23 Counting of Seniority of Government servants on Contract Appointment NO.PAR-2/3/77(Pt) 04-01-2004 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
12 12.22 Counting of Seniority of Government servants on Contract Appointment NO.AR-5/ASSO/98 (Pt) 09-08-2004 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
12 12.21 Proposals for Departmental Promotion to rout through NPSC before submitting to the Governor NO PAR-7/4/79 26-06-2002 Personnel and Administrative Reforms circular
12 12.20 Revised Format for requisition of post for Direct Recruitment/DPC. NO PAR-7/4/79 26-06-2002 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
12 12.19 Upgradation of the posts of Sectional Officer Grade-I/Computer Grade-I/Surveyor Grade-I/Assistant Driller/Mines Overman/Assistant Cartographer/Draughtsman Grate I (Civil) Engineering Posts and re-designation as Junior-Engineer No.AR/O&M/2/93 19-01-1998 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
12 12.18 Upgradation of the Posts of Sectional Officer Gr-I/ Computer Gr-/Mines Overman/Asstt. Driller and re-designation as Junior-Engineer No.AR/O&M/2/93 04-03-1997 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
12 12.17 Follow up action on the decision of the Cabinet. No.AR-12/3/89 08-02-1996 Personnel and Administrative Reforms memorandum
12 12.16 Guidelines on Merit-Cum-Seniority No.AR-12/3/89 24-06-1996 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum annual confidential report zone of consideration
12 12.15 Proceedings of Departmental Promotion Committee NO.AR-1/8/88 14-12-1995 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum 50% members are present
12 12.14 Submission of Requisition to Hold DPC meeting. NO AR-1/8/88 21-09-1995 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
12 12.13 Decision of the Government NO.AR-8/19/84 28-11-1989 Personnel and Administrative Reforms letter registrar post deputation basis
12 12.12 Creation of 26 posts of Registrar in the scale of pay Rs 1075-50-1675-EB-50-1975-55-2305/-P.M. Class-1, Gazetted in the remaining 26 Directorates No.AR-8/19/84 09-11-1989 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM
12 12.11 Procedure of DPC NO AR-8/1/75 29-08-1986 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum good ACRs
12 12.10 Appointment of Registrars in some of the Directorates No.AR-4/9/76 24-06-1985 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum seniority-cum-merit nagaland directorate ministerial staff (ndms)
12 12.9 Promotion of Officers/officials against whom Vigilance cases are pending or under Investigation. No. PAR/VIG/1/5/80 17-11-1981 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum delegation of financial and cognate power rule 1964
13 13.5 Procedure for filling up of vacancies on Deputation regular absorption of Deputationists. No.AR-7/8/86 (Pt) 20-12-2017 Personnel & Training office memorandum ministry of personnel public grievances and pension NPSC service rules screening board cabinet approval
12 12.8 Uniform Procedure to be followed for filling up of the Posts of U.D.A. in the Directorates. No.APB-3/24/69 15-11-1979 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum 50% DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION 25% DIRECT RECRUITMENT HAs LDA60 20
13 13.4 Procedure for filling up of vacancies on Deputation regular absorption of Deputationists. NO.AR-7/8/86 21-07-2004 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum administrative reforms branch NPSC P&AR cabinet approval
13 13.3 Seniority of persons absorbed after being on deputation. F.NO.20011/1/2000 27-03-2001 Personnel & Training office memorandum ministry of personnel public grievances & pensions indian audit C&AG
12 12.7 Ad-Hoc Promotion NO.AR-8/1/75 08-12-1978 Personnel and Administrative Reforms LETTER ga-1/misc/520 officiating departmental promotion committee dpc
13 13.2 Filling up of vacancies on deputation-regular absorption of Deputationists. NO.AR-7/8/86 17-09-1986 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum DPC NPSC selection board
12 12.6 Seniority of the Government Servants on contract Appointment NO.APPT-16/1/67 24-03-1976 Home letter no PW/EST/255/6/8/1
12 12.5 Seniority of the Government Servants on contract Appointment. NO APPT-16/1/67 19-11-1975 Home office memorandum
13 13.1 Seniority of the Employees who are sent on deputation to another Department of the State Government and are subsequently confirmed there. NO.AR-2/10/71 12-08-1975 Home office memorandum administrative reforms deputation post
12 12.4 Counting of Seniority for service rendered on Adhoc Appointment. NO AR-13/21/74 08-07-1975 Home memorandum
12 12.3 Principles of Seniority- Credit for Past Service No. 11/APA/1/66 09-06-1966 Home memorandum
12 12.2 Principles of Seniority-Clarification thereof No. APPT/16/1/67 10-08-1967 Home memorandum memo no. 11/apa/1/66 inter-se-seniority
12 12.1 Principles of Seniority No. 11/APA/1/66 09-06-1966 Home memorandum direct recruitment promotees relative seniority
11 11.5 Common Foundation/Induction Training Programme for the newly recruits through UPSC/NPSC exam. No. AR-3/GEN-326/2015 26-09-2016 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum state training council
11 11.4 Designation of Administrative Training Institute (ATI) of Nagaland as the Nodal Centre on Gender Budgeting for Nagaland PLN-87/2012 22-02-2016 Planning & Transformation OFFICE MEMORANDUM gender budgeting
11 11.3 State Training Policy No. AR-1/ATI-72/TRG/2004 (P1) 19-08-2004 Personnel and Administrative Reforms ATI SERVICE RULES TRAINING
11 11.2 Foreign training courses administered by the Department of Economic Affairs. No.1/13/03-PMU 05-04-2004 EconomicS & Statistics office memorandum DEA MEA FCRA MHA DoPT cooling off condition
11 11.1 Scheme of "Partial Funding of Foreign Study" No. 12037/3/2002 26-07-2002 Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions 9 years once lifetime ACR STUDY programmes tuition fees living expenses air fare
17 17.9 Liberalised pensionary awards in the case of death/disability in certain circumstances and special benefits in cases of death and disability in service payment of ex gratia lump sum compensation to families of government civilian employees. NO.PAR-1/DCRB/78-AIS(VOL-1) 02-08-2002 Personnel and Administrative Reforms Liberalised pensionary awards in the case of death/disability in certain circumstances and special benefits in cases of death and disability in service payment of ex gratia lump sum compensation to families of government civilian employees.
10 10.16 List of recognized Scheduled Tribes and Naga Tribes in Nagaland. NO. AR-16/7/94 02-02-2016 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification
10 10.15 Issue of Scheduled Tribe/Backward Tribe and Indigenous Inhabitant Certificate. No. RCBT-5/87 (Pt-lll) 11-06-2012 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum non-naga tikhir yimchunger
26 26.16 Retirement Format order
26 26.15 Proposal for Extension of Deputation/Contract Services Personnel and Administrative Reforms
10 10.14 Guidelines for issue of Scheduled Tribe Certificates and Indigenous Certificates in the State of Nagaland. No.HOME/SCTA-6/2006 21-03-2011 Home memorandum
26 26.14 Proposal for Re-Employment/Post Retirement Works
26 26.13 Proposal for Regularisation of Contract/Adhoc/Casual/Work Charge
26 26.12 Proposal for Fixation of Seniority
26 26.11 Proposal for Grant of Study Leave Personnel and Administrative Reforms
26 26.10 Proposal for Compassionate Appointment Personnel and Administrative Reforms
10 10.13 List of recognized Scheduled Tribes and Naga Tribes in Nagaland. No. R-11011/16/2009 06-07-2009 NA ministry of home affairs/ griha mantralaya inigenous garo mikir kuki kachari nagas ao angami sumi lotha rengma konyak sangtam phom chang yimchunger khiamniungan chakhesang zeliang pochury
26 26.9 Proposal for Condonation of Overage Personnel and Administrative Reforms
26 26.8 Proposal for Upgradation of Posts Personnel and Administrative Reforms
26 26.7 Proposal for Creation of Posts Personnel and Administrative Reforms
26 26.6 Proposal for Change of Date of Birth Personnel and Administrative Reforms
10 10.12 Clarification on issue of Backward Tribe Certificates No.AR-8/19/79 01-06-2009 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum married to people forward tribe
26 26.5 Direct Recruitment Format for Requisition to the NPSC format for requisition for departmental promotions
26 26.4 Certificate of Indigenous Inhabitant of Nagaland
10 10.11 Authority to issue Scheduled Tribe and Indigenous Inhabitant Certificate. NO AR-15/5/93 15-10-2008 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
26 26.3 No Objection Certificate Certificate
26 26.2 Identity Certificate form of oath of allegiance to the constitution of india
26 26.1 Antecedent Form form
10 10.10 Action against Government servants who get appointment on the basis of false SC/ST/OBC certificates No 42011/22/2006 29-03-2007 Personnel & Training office memorandum Civil appeal no 2294/1986
25 25.25 Recognition of TIKHIR as a separate Naga Tribe No.HOME/SCST-30/TIKHIR/2022 20-12-2022 Home notification
10 10.9 Verification of claims of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other Backward Classes No.36022/1/2007 20-03-2007 Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions false/forged caste community certificate ST SC OBC chief secretaries
25 25.24 Creation of Shamator District No.GAB-I/COM/DIS. ADMIN/2019 (Pt.-1) 20-12-2022 Home notification
25 25.23 Creation of Chumoukedima District No. GAB-I/COM/DIST. ADMIN/2019 (Pt.-1) 20-12-2021 Home notification cabinet cell
10 10.8 Guidelines for issue of SC/OBC Certificates HOME/EST-2/2002 28-02-2003 Home office memorandum Scheduled caste SC OBC Other backward castes
25 25.22 Addendum on Upgradation of Niuland Sub-Division to a full-fledged District No.GAB-I/COM/DIST. ADMIN/2019 (Pt.-1) 21-12-2021 Home addendum notification general administrative branch -I
10 10.7 Revised procedure for issue of Indigenous Inhabitant Certificates NO AR-12/3-89 04-10-1995 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
25 25.21 Upgradation of Niuland Sub-Division to a full-fledged District No.GAB-I/COM/DIST. ADMIN/2019 (Pt.-1) 20-12-2021 Home notification
10 10.6 Employment opportunities to Nepalis/Gurkhas NO AR-8/22/82 07-02-1985 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification 31 december 1940
25 25.20 Upgradation of Tseminyu Sub-Division to a full-fledged District No.GAB-I/COM/DIST. ADMIN/2019 (Pt.-1 20-12-2021 Home notification
10 10.5 To adopt protective measures of the Indigenous Inhabitants of Nagaland NO LR/2-118/76 01-11-1979 Land Revenue section 160(2) assam land and revenue regulation 1`886 regulation 1 of 1886
25 25.19 Enforcement of Nagaland Lokayukta Act, 2017 NO.AR-3/Gen-230/2011 16-10-2018 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification gazette
25 25.18 Constitute of Selection Committee to appoint Nagaland Lokayukta NO.AR-3/Gen-230/2011 23-01-2019 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification amendment
10 10.4 Procedure for issue of Indigenous Inhabitant Certificates to non-locals adopted sons/daughters NO. AR-8/8/76 28-04-1977 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
26 25.17 Conduct of examination on Non-Working Days NO.AR-3/Gen-212/2010(Pt.) 07-05-2019 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification nodal recruiting agencies
25 25.16 Nagaland State Guest Rules NO.GAB/PRO-6/2004 23-05-2005 Personnel and Administrative Reforms order lok sabha deputy legislative council union territory speakers judges
10 10.3 Criteria determinations of Indigenous Inhabitant and prescription of Certificate-thereof NO. AR-8/8/76 24-04-1977 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification
25 25.15 Maintenance of records - delineating the responsibilities of the State Archives, Record Cell, and individual Department NO.RC-79/2000 19-03-2004 Personnel and Administrative Reforms memorandum record cell maintenance preservation retention
10 10.2 Appointment to Gazetted/Non-gazetted both Technical and Non-Technical posts under the State Government No. APB-2/20/72 02-11-1972 Home office memorandum
25 25.14 Adoption of Flag & Badge, Motto, and Logo for Village Guards Organisation NO.POL-2NG/130/2003 26-01-2004 Home notification Police B Branch CAB-2/2003
10 10.1 Preference to candidates knowing one of the Naga dialects for appointment in services under Nagaland No APB. 1/24/64 25-07-1966 Home notification
25 25.13 Ban on issue of Arms License NO.POL/ARMS/7/86 05-12-2003 Home office memorandum police B Branch
25 25.12 Rules for reservation/allotment of accommodation in Nagaland Houses No.GAB-10/NLH/87 07-07-2000 Home office memorandum re-imbursement
25 25.11 Revision of Room Rent and entitlement of accommodation in Nagaland Houses NO.GAB-I/NLH/87 07-07-2000 Home office memorandum general administration branch-II annexure room rent
9 9.33 Reservation of 4% for Persons with Disabilities. No. AR-3/Gen-9/97 14-08-2020 Personnel and Administrative Reforms section 34 sub section 1 2 3 the rights of persons with the disability act 2016
25 25.10 Assistance taken by the State Government from Indian Missions and posts abroad for making arrangements for visiting Delegations, Seminars, etc. No. AR-12/1/89 19-11-1996 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
9 9.32 Reservation of 4% of Government Job vacancies in favor of persons with benchmark disabilities No. AR-3/Gen-9/97 14-08-2020 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification section 34 the rights persons with disabilities act 2016 4%
25 25.9 Replacing of the name of Sema to Sumi No. HOME/SCTA-16/94 30-09-1995 Home notification
9 9.31 Reservation of Identified Posts for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities. No. AR-3/Gen-9/97 13-08-2020 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification the rights of persons with disabilities act 2016 section 34 sub section 1 2 3 quantum reservation computation eligibility unreserved maintenance rosters inter-se-exchange horizontality benchmark application certificate annual compliance
25 25.8 Applicability of Central act to the State of Nagaland No AR-11/2/78 17-11-1988 Personnel and Administrative Reforms article 371A cabinet section 1(2)
25 25.7 Security within the Main Secretariat Complex NO.SAB-29/1/84(PT) 05-09-1986 Home office memorandum
25 25.6 Security within the Secretariat Complex NO.SAB-29/1/84(PT) 05-09-1986 Home office memorandum
9 9.30 Right to Persons with Disabilities-maintenance of records of the persons with disabilities in relation to the matter of employment, facilities provided and other necessary information No. AR-3/Gen-9/97 (Pt) 30-10-2019 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification section 22 Persons with disabilities act 2016
25 25.5 Order of Precedence NO.CON-67/77(pt) 24-09-1982 Home notification appendix
9 9.29 Guidelines for selection of candidates to the reserved seats under various Central seat Allotment for undergoing Under Graduate courses in Engineering & Allied and Agri & Allied. No. HTE/RESERV/ 23-1/2012(Pt) 30-05-2016 Higher & Technical Education notification
9 9.28 Guidelines for selection of candidates against State Reserved Seats under various Central Seat Allotment for undergoing Undergraduate Studies in Technical & Professional Courses NO. HTE/RESERV/23-1/2012 16-03-2016 Higher & Technical Education notification central seat allotment under graduate students technical professional courses
25 25.4 Restriction on undergoing medical treatment outside the state No.SAB-7/32/67 22-08-1979 Home memorandum medical public health
9 9.27 Revised policy to be incorporated in Service rules. NO. RCBT-5/87 (Pt-II) 04-09-2015 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification 4 2 37 %
25 25.3 Declaration of Protected places/Areas in Nagaland NO.CON-125/75 22-12-1975 Home notification schedule telephone exchange sugar mill company
25 25.2 Declaration of Protected places/Areas in Nagaland NO.CON-125/75 27-08-1975 Home notification schedule telephone exchange microwave station
9 9.26 Revised policy for the Backward Tribes with backlog vacancies NO. RCBT-5/87 (Pt-II) 04-09-2015 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification backlog vacancy
25 25.1 Declaration of Protected places/Areas in Nagaland NO.CON.125/75 30-06-1975 Home notification political branch schedule district sub-division
24 24.3 Recognition to Prison Service Association No.AR-3/GEN-215/2011 25-07-2011 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification
9 9.25 Revised policy for the Backward Tribes NO. RCBT-5/87 (Pt-II) 15-06-2012 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification reservation chakhesang pochury
9 9.24 Modification to the revised policy for the Backward Tribes NO. RCBT-5/87 (Pt-ll ) 05-05-2012 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
9 9.23 Revised policy for the Backward Tribes NO. RCBT-5/87 (Pt-II) 14-04-2011 Personnel and Administrative Reforms NOTIFICATION article 16(4) 6 tribes mon tuensang kiphire longlong konyak phom sangtam yiumchunger chang khaimningan chakhesang pochury 6% 4 2 zeliang sumis kihpire 125 roster table 100
24 24.2 Recognition of Service Association under the State Government No.AR-5/ASSO/2002 14-06-2004 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification Grade-IV
24 24.1 Recognition of Service Associations under the State Government NO.AR-8/8/79 15-05-1980 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
9 9.22 Revised policy for the Backward Tribes NO. RCBT-5/87 (Pt-ll) 02-09-2008 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM
9 9.21 Revised policy for the Backward Tribes NO. RCBT-5/87 (P1-11) 23-07-2008 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification article 16(4) district mon tuensang kiphire longleng chang khiamniungan konyak phom sangtam yimchunger chakhesang pochury zeliang backward Department of Underdeveloped areas DUDA
9 9.20 Reservation of 3% of vacancies for the Physically Handicapped persons No-AR-3/Gen-9/97 30-06-2008 Personnel and Administrative Reforms addendum post graduate teachers of school education department persons with disabilities act 1995 lecturers
9 9.19 Reservation of 3% of vacancies for the Physically Handicapped persons No-AR-3/Gen-9/97 16-01-2008 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification section 33 32 central act persons with disabilities act 1995 blindness low vision hearing impairment locomotor disability cerebral palsy
9 9.18 Maintenance of Roster for Backward Tribes by NPSC NO. AR-13/12/85 26-10-2006 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum office memo avoid duplication anomalies
9 9.17 Reservation of 5% of vacancies for the Physically Handicapped persons No. AR-3/Gen-9/97 19-08-2004 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification disabilities act 1995 five per cent 5 blindness low vision leprosy cured hearing impairment locomotor disability mental retardation mental illness special medical board
9 9.16 Revised policy for Reservation of post for Backward Tribes. No.RCBT-5/87(Pt-II) 26-08-2002 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum highest mark merit list
9 9.15 Revised policy for Reservation of post for Backward Tribes. NO-RCBT-5/87(PT-11) 26-08-2022 Personnel and Administrative Reforms starting point roster office memorandum
9 9.14 Maintenance of Register for effective implementation of Reservation for Backward Tribes NO AR-12/13/85 02-07-2002 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum specimen format roster table register
9 9.13 Revised policy for reservation of post for Backward Tribes. NO.RCBT-5/87(0 18-08-2001 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum roster table 45 point 27 indigenous inhabitants
9 9.12 Reservation of vacancies of 33% of posts for the BBTs No.RCBT/5/87 24-03-1994 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification backward tribe konyak chakhesang sangtam phom khiamungan chang yimchunger zeliang pochury
9 9.11 Reservation of vacancies of 33% of posts for BTs- Extension thereof No. RCBT-5/87 20-09-1969 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification
9 9.10 Procedure for filing up of reserved 20% of post under the State Govt No AR-8/24/83 29-10-1983 Personnel and Administrative Reforms order
9 9.9 Reservation of 100% for direct appointment to non-technical grade III & IV posts and 80% of all gazetted and technical posts No.AR-8/8/76 19-04-1983 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum kuki naga tribe kachari garo mikir
9 9.8 Reservation of certain percentage of class-III & IV (non-technical) for meritorious sportsmen and sportswomen No AR-7/42/76 19-11-1982 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification athletic track field badminton foot ball basket table tennis volley wrestling gymnastics judo
9 9.7 Reservation of vacancies of 33% of posts for the 8 BTs NO. AR-8/9/76 (pt-II) 16-08-1979 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification backward tribes konyak chakhesang phom chang zeliang sangatm khiamungam yimchunger
9 9.6 Reservation of 25% for the 7 BTs NO. AR-8/9/76 11-01-1977 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification backward tribes konyak sangtam yimchunger chakhesang phom chang
9 9.5 Reservation of vacancies for Grade-IV No.AR-8/17/76 12-10-1976 Personnel and Administrative Reforms order ten
9 9.4 Reservation of 100% appointment to non-technical grade III & IV posts and 80% of all other appointments. NO APPT-18/6/67 06-07-1973 Home order
9 9.3 Reservation of 80% of all appointments or posts under the Govemment of Nagaland clarification thereof. No. APT-12/6/67/APB 25-02-1972 Home memorandum tangkhul mao zeliangraong indigeneous inhabitants
23 23.16 Salaries and allowances payable to and other terms and conditions of service of the State Chief Information Commissioner and the State Information Commissioners No.AR-3/GEN-346/2017 27-10-2019 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification section 16(5)judgement & order pension liabilities
23 23.15 Salaries, allowances, and benefits of the State Chief Information Commissioners and the State Information Commissioners No.AR-7/RTI-28/16 17-12-2018 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification
23 23.14 Uploading of RTI replies on the respective websites of Ministry/Department F.No.1/1/2013-IR 07-10-2016 Personnel & Training office memorandum
23 23.13 Format for giving information to the applicants under RTI Act - Issue of guidelines regarding No.AR-7/RTI-4/2006 27-10-2015 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum PG & Pension government CPIO
23 23.12 Information on personal details of RTI applicants No.AR-3/GEN-147/2005 28-02-2014 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum writ petition No. 33290
9 9.2 Reservation of 80% of all appointments NO APPT-18/6/67 26-06-1969 Home order kuki garo kachari mikir tribe
23 23.11 Payment of fee under RTI Act by Indian Postal Order No.F.10/9/2008-IR 26-04-2011 Personnel & Training IPO postal order section 20
9 9.1 Reservation of vacancies for Scheduled Tribes in Nagaland. NO.APPTT.18/6/67 26-07-1967 Home 80% memorandum
23 23.10 Strengthening Implementation of the Right to Information Act, 2005 18-05-2011 Personnel & Training office memorandum PSUs RTI Act CPIOs
8 8.11 Prescription of Educational Qualification for Directorate and District LDAs-cum-Computer Assistants for the Backward Tribes No. AR-8/19/84 12-11-2020 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
23 23.9 RTI application received by a public authority regarding information concerning other public authority/authorities No.F.10/2/2008-IR 24-09-2010 Personnel & Training office memorandum public information officer PIO
8 8.10 Prescription of Educational Qualification for Directorate and District LDA-cum-Computer Assistants for the Backward Tribes No. AR-8/19/84 04-08-2015 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum relaxation 5 years
8 8.9 Recognition of 3 years Diploma Course in Modern Office Practice No. AR-3/GEN-212/2012 26-10-2012 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum computer operator receptionist data entry operator stenographer grade III polytechnic
8 8.8 Prescription of Educational Qualification for Directorate and District LDAs for the Backward Tribes. No. AR-3/Gen-189/2008 08-06-2010 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
8 8.7 Verification of certificates of educational qualification of the candidates selected for appointment NO AR-1/1/87 24-07-1996 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum fake certificates
8 8.6 Clarification on promotion of Typists NO.AR-8/20/82 21-06-1986 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum minimum educational qualification prescribed
8 8.5 Prescription of educational qualification for recruitment to the post of NCS, NPS and other Administrative and Non-Technical posts No. AR-8/10/83 29-07-1983 Personnel and Administrative Reforms addendum agriculture vetinary science divinity geology applied geophysics
23 23.8 Maintenance of records in consonance with Section 4 of the RTI Act No.12/192/2009-IR 20-01-2010 Personnel & Training office memorandum duly catalogued
8 8.4 Prescription of educational qualification for recruitment to the post of NCS NPS and other Administrative and Non-Technical posts NO AR-8/10/83 18-07-1983 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum degree arts science commerce agriculture engineering medicine home science physical education
23 23.7 Disclosure of 'file noting' under the Right to Information Act, 2005 No.F.10/2/2008-IR 23-06-2009 Personnel & Training office memorandum
8 8.3 Recruitment and academic qualifications for appointment to the posts of Typists NO. AR-8/20/82 29-11-1982 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification
23 23.6 Clarification regarding format in which the information should be supplied under RTI Act, 2005 No.11/2/2008-IR 10-07-2008 Personnel & Training office memorandum PIO
8 8.2 Academic qualifications for direct recruitment to Class-Ill & IV v 29-01-1977 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
8 8.1 Academic qualifications for direct recruitment to Class-II & IV NO APPT-15/34/67 12-12-1968 Home office memorandum
23 23.5 Appointment of Appellate Authority/PIO/APIO under RTI Act, 2005 No.AR-7/RTI-4/2006 18-09-2006 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum PIOs APIOs appellate authorities
7 7.10 Fees for registration of Births & Deaths No. STAT/P-36/2001(Pt-2) 11-12-2015 EconomicS & Statistics NOTIFICATION registration f births and deaths act 1969 section 1 & 2 rules 1999
23 23.4 Exemption of State Police Crime Branch and State Police Special Branch under the RTI Act, 2005 NO.AR-3/Gen-147/2005 (Pt) 17-03-2006 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification state police crime branch
7 7.9 Release of Government servants on completion of 35 years of service. No. AR-3/Gen-174/2007 (Pt) 26-03-2013 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum nagaland retirement from public employment act 2009 rule 56 fundamental rules FR
23 23.3 Right to Information Act (Appeal Procedure) Rules 2005 NO. AR-3/Gen-147/2005 (B) 30-11-2005 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification
7 7.8 Enhancement of Upper Age limit for entry into Government Service. No. AR-3/Gen-174/2007 30-11-2007 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum minimum 18 21 maximum 35
23 23.2 Right to Information Act (Appeal Procedure) Rules 2005 NO.AR-3/Gen-147/2005 (A) 30-11-2005 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification
7 7.7 Ban on overstay of Govt. employees beyond the date of superannuation. No. APPT-15/3/67 (Pt) 24-05-2005 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum no regularisation overstay period
23 23.1 Right to Information Act (Regulation of Fee & Cost) Rules 2005 NO.AR-11/2/76 02-09-1977 Personnel and Administrative Reforms redress of public grievances machinery thereof district public grievances committee PGO
7 7.6 Procedure for change in Date of Birth of Government Employees. NO.AR-3/GEN-108/2003 04-12-2003 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum superannuation
7 7.5 Tampering of proof of age in service records No. AR-5/ASSO/98(A) 26-02-2001 Personnel and Administrative Reforms violation nagaland government servants conduct rules 1965 illegal practices
22 22.13 Streamlining for condemnation of Government vehicles to Retired/retiring officers. No. TPT/GEN/CONDMN/2015 03-06-2016 Transport & Communication office memorandum
7 7.4 Maximum age limits for direct recruitment to the Nagaland State Government services No. AR-8/14/81 13-06-1989 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification
22 22.12 Streamline the process of allotment of condemned Vehicle/Machineries under all Government Departments NO.TPT/GEN/CONDMN/2015 19-10-2015 Transport & Communication notification treasury challan
7 7.3 Condonation of Overage of Government Servants Instructions thereof: No.AR-13/28/75 04-08-1987 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification
22 22.11 Use of Sirens, Red Lights and Designation Plates. NO.TPT/TC/MV/VIP-1/2006 20-06-2006 Transport & Communication notification number plates private vehicles
7 7.2 Relaxation of upper age limit in respect of Scheduled Tribe Govt. employees in relation to State of Nagaland clarification Thereof: No.AR-13/28/75 04-08-1987 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM
22 22.10 Procedure for disposal of condemned vehicles. NO.TPT/GEN/74 22-07-2005 Transport & Communication memorandum nodal authority
7 7.1 Condonation of Overage: No.AR-13/28/75 11-07-1979 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum No.APPT/1/10/67
22 22.9 Use of Siren No.TPT/MV-5/83(Vol-II) 27-04-2004 Transport & Communication addendum
6 6.52 Format for Appointment orders-regarding NO AR-3/GEN-336/16 10-03-2022 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum format appointment group a b gazetted c non-gazetted d
22 22.8 Use of Siren NO.TPT/MV/5/83 06-03-2004 Transport & Communication notification red light flag post
6 6.51 Filling up of Group D posts in the Departments-corrigendum issued-Reg NO.AR-3/GEN-174/2007 (Pt) 03-03-2022 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
22 22.7 Instructions on display of board on all Tourist Taxis NO.TPT/MV/1/93 07-07-2003 Transport & Communication notification regional taxi school bus annexure-A
6 6.50 Uniform policy in regard to the use of terms like contingency/provisional/ casual etc while issuing appointment orders. No.AR-3/GEN-331/16 (Vol-1) 19-11-2018 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification
6 6.48 Guidelines of Recruitment of Grade-III & IV under District Administration by the district Level Recruitment Board (DLRB) NO. CNE-1/GEN/2015/154 14-09-2018 Office of the Commissioner office memorandum DLRB DISTRICT LEVEL RECRUITMENT BOARD written practical oral test
22 22.6 Attachment of vehicles to VIPs under the Civil Secretariat Transport Pool No.TPT/SPL/14/89 27-06-2003 Transport & Communication office memorandum
22 22.5 Streamlining and Rationalizing Vehicle Entitlements and Maintenance of Vehicles for various Categories of Officers in Nagaland. NO.TPT/SPL/50/2002/)Pt-1) 26-03-2003 Transport & Communication office memorandum civil secretariat designation vehicles drivers maintenance POL criteria nodal department role
6 6.49 Procedure for appointments to every category of posts by any department No. AR-3/Gen-174/2007 27-09-2019 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM exigency appointment
22 22.4 Terms and conditions for grant of Motor Conveyance No. Home/Loan/advance. NO.HOME/LOANN/MISC/7-4/85-86 11-06-2001 Home notification loan branch eligibility
6 6.47 Recruitment of Grade-IV Post in the District Officers. NO. AR-3/Gen-174/2007 (Pt) 17-07-2018 Personnel and Administrative Reforms NOTIFICATION
22 22.3 Free travel facility in NST for physically handicapped persons. NO.TPT/MV/1/77 15-01-1989 Transport & Communication notification medica certificate
6 6.46 Ban on Appointment without Sanctioned Posts No. AR-3/ASSO/98 (P1) 16-07-2018 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum FIR
22 22.2 Free travel facility in the Nagaland State Transport passenger buses for certain categories of employees. NO.TPT/MV/1/77 02-08-1986 Transport & Communication notification
6 6.45 Engagement/hiring under Centrally Sponsored Schemes. No AR-3/GEN-338/2016 10-05-2018 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM Centrally sponsored schemes(css)
6 6.44 Waiting List No.AR-1/8/288 24-03-2018 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum 25 % CAB-2/2013
6 6.43 Procedure for filling up of Non-Gazetted Posts in the Departments NO. AR-3/Gen-174/2007 (P1) 24-03-2018 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum departmental recruitment board
6 6.42 Procedure for filling up of Non Gazetted Posts in the Departments No AR-3/GEN-174/2007 26-10-2017 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum Indigenous certificate inhabitant certificate IIC
6 6.41 Attestation form for Verification of Character and antecedents prior to Appointment in Government Service regarding No.AR-3/GFN-336/16 13-06-2017 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum indian penal code (IPCC)
22 22.1 Declaration of the post of Driver under NST as Technical post for the purpose of recruitment policy NO.AR-8/31/81 07-04-1982 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification
4 4.22 Constitution of 'Local Complaints Committee' in Districts and Designation of Nodal Officer in each sub-division to receive complaints for the redress of complaints relating to sexual harassment of women employees at their work places. No, AR-3/GEN-28/98 07-09-2015 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification sexual harassment of women at work place act 2013 local committee complaints
21 21.28 Rules/Policy to be followed by the Government with regard to land donated by individual, communities & villages No. LRILAND-PLCY/5-26/2011 16-08-2018 Land Revenue office memorandum justice & law department block administrative head quarters
21 21.27 Rules/Policy to be followed by the Govemment with regard to land donated by individual, communities & villages No. LR/LAND-PLCY/5-26/2011 16-04-2018 Land Revenue office memorandum
21 21.26 Standardised format of sale deed/undertaking/declarations/to be followed by all Deputy Commissioner's office No. LR/7-162/2015-11/70 26-04-2018 Land Revenue office memorandum deputy commissioner declaration annexure I sale deed stamp schedule boundaries local patta witnessess undertaking declaration proof of identity beneficiary payment receipt land compensation cheque
6 6.40 Appointments relating to CSS/Flagship Programme In The State No. AR-3/Gen-338/2016 18-03-2017 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
21 21.25 )Setting up of common land pool under the land Revenue department for developmental purpose No. LR/7-162/2015-11/69 26-04-2018 Land Revenue office memorandum
6 6.39 Ban on Appointment on Contract Basis. No. AR-5/ASSO/98 11-08-2016 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum prescribed procedure
21 21.24 Annual inspection of Govemment Lands by concemed Departmen No. LR/7-162/2015-11/68 26-04-2018 Land Revenue office memorandum LRSO GIS cell APAR annual inspection
6 6.38 Ban on Appointment on Contract Basis. No. AR-5/ASSO/98 06-06-2016 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum inter alia open advertisement
21 21.23 Documentation and record keeping of land pattas, sale deed lease agreement survey map-thereof. No. LR/7-162/2015-1 26-04-2018 Land Revenue office memorandum LRSO deputy commissioner rationalization streamlining rules
6 6.37 Guidelines for recruitment of Grade-III & IV posts in the District Offices. No. AR-3/Gen-174/2007 (Pt) 04-06-2016 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum indigenous inhabitant certificate
6 6.36 Amendment of Office Memorandum dated 13.01.2010 regarding irregular appointment of Government servants. No. AR-3/Gen-174/2007 (Pt) 13-01-2016 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum re-examined
21 21.22 Revision of the existing hiring rates of General/Government Buildings NO.WH/BUD-22/2000 [H][Pt] 24-10-2016 Works & Housing notification housing branch hiring rates
6 6.35 Regularisation of Contract/Ad-Hoc appointments against sanctioned post No. AR-5/ASSO/98 20-10-2015 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
21 21.21 Nomination of Department of Geology & Mining as a Nodal Department to control, regulate and monitor the coal distribution allocated by the Ministry of Coal/Coal India Ltd. Government of India to the State Government of Nagaland. NO AR-3/GEN-337/16 02-09-2016 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification
6 6.34 Phase-wise abolishment of all posts of typists in the Nagaland Civil Secretariat and ban of fresh appointment of typist in the Secretariat. No. AR-5/ASSO/98 20-10-2015 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM
21 21.20 Use of Secretariat Conference Hall No. NAZ-8/ZCH/2014 25-02-2016 Home office memorandum
6 6.33 Condonation of overage of Government servants. No. AR-13/28/75 (P1) 30-05-2015 EconomicS & Statistics office memorandum rules
21 21.19 Withdrawal of powers of the Deputy Commissioner for allotment/settlement of land to individuals/parties/agencies in Nagaland NO.LR/6-45/LIT/2006 03-02-2016 Land Revenue notification O.Ms deputy commissioner allotment settlement
6 6.32 Reservation of percentage for the District employees coming to the Directorate in pursuance of the Nagaland Directorate Ministerial Service Rules 2006. NO. AR-8/19/84 17-03-2015 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum supersession
21 21.18 Prior written approval of the Home Department for repair, renovation and even structural modification of Office Rooms in the Secretariat Building No.NAZ-SMB-1-2001(Pt) 28-09-2015 Home office memorandum nazarat branch
6 6.31 Modifications in the Service Rules of the Secretariat Stenographers Service NO.SAB-21/20/96 30-12-2012 Home notification direct recruitment 100% stenographer grade III
21 21.17 Guidelines for allotment of quarters to the employees in the Nagaland Civil Secretariat. No. SAB-11/13/96 (Pt) 21-05-2015 Home office memorandum deceased govt employee retirement
21 21.16 Criteria/conditions for recognition of new villages in Nagaland. NO.GAB-1/COM/312/2012 22-10-2014 Home office memorandum
21 21.15 Renaming of Capital Complex Authority as State Land Acquisition Authority NO.NL/LC-3/2006 21-06-2006 Planning & Co-Ordination notification
21 21.14 Criteria/Conditions for Recognition of New Villages in Nagaland. NO.GAB-1/COM/108/2005 01-10-2005 Home office memorandum land records & survey student union tribal hoho
6 6.30 Upgradation/Merger/Posting pattern and revision of Service Rule of the Nagaland Civil Secretariat Stenographers NO.SAB-21/20/96 19-11-2012 Home notification redesignate Steno Gr-II(Sr) (Jr) (class II gazetted)
21 21.14 Criteria/Conditions for Recognition of New Villages in Nagaland. NO.GAB-1/COM/108/2005 01-10-2005 Home office memorandum land records & survey student union tribal hoho
21 21.13 Policies for proper management and maintenance of Govt. Land hold by various Govt departments. No.LR/2-21/88 21-05-2005 Land Revenue notification outpost public institutions no objection certificate patta land deputy additional commissioner
6 6.29 Revocation of 3:1 seniority benefit to the regularized contract employees. No. AR-5/ASSO/98 14-11-2011 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum revoke AR-5/ASSO/98
6 6.28 Amendment for requisition of posts to the Nagaland Public Service Commission No. PAR-B/6/2008 (P1) 30-08-2011 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification amendment of regulation 15(1)
21 21.12 Guidelines for Allotment of Quarters to the employees working in the Nagaland Civil Secretariat. No.SAB-11/10/95 14-03-2005 Home NSS IAS UDA LDA Typist mechanic gov. quarter
6 6.27 Submission of Requisition of the Nagaland Public Service Commission. NO. PAR-B/3/2005 21-07-2011 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
6 6.26 Prescription of Educational Qualification for District LDAS. No. AR-3/Gen-189/2008 02-03-2010 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum recruitment
21 21.11 Criteria/Conditions for Recognition of New Villages in Nagaland. NO.GA-12/13/74 22-03-1996 office memorandum cabinet No objection certificate GBs forest department student union tribal hoho(s)
6 6.25 Irregular appointment of Government servants by some appointing authorities-Fresh procedure for appointment of Government employees of any category. No. AR-3/Gen-174/2007 (Pt) 13-01-2010 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum FIR Vigilance commission
21 21.10 Constitution of Tribunal for examining the Land Settlement No.LR/3-18/75 14-03-1988 Land Revenue notification tribunal land settlement matters
6 6.24 Corrigendum in Nagaland Directorate Ministerial Service Rules 2006 NO. AR-8/19/84 02-09-2009 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum delegation of financial & cognate power rules
21 21.9 Proposals for payment of Land compensation for Development/ Instructions thereof NO FIN/EXPDR/B/1/87 16-02-1988 Finance memorandum land revenue sale deeds land owners deputy commissioner
6 6.23 Conversion of the post of Typist to that of LDA-cum-Computer Operator NO. AR-8/19/84 01-07-2009 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification typist to LDA LOWER DIVISION ASSISTANT cum computer assisstant
21 21.8 Allotment of unserviceable building along with sites to private individuals ban thereon: No.GAB-10/2/84 07-02-1987 Home office memorandum DCs ADCs
6 6.22 Regularisation of Contract/Ad-Hoc appointments against sanctioned post No. AR-5/ASSO/98 04-06-2008 Personnel and Administrative Reforms memorandum
21 21.7 Regulation on occupation of Govt. Quarter by Govt. Servant. NO.SAB-11/44/80 13-09-1983 Home office memorandum
6 6.21 Regularization of Contract/Ad-Hoc appointments against sanctioned post No. AR-5/ASSO/98 23-08-2007 Personnel and Administrative Reforms memorandum
21 21.6 Regulations on Housing for Government Servants NO.SAB-17/94/709PT) 05-08-1983 Home memorandum district chief secretary commissioner inspector deputy vigilance superintendent chairman N.P.S.C tenure establishment
6 6.20 Nagaland Directorate Ministerial Service Rules 2006. NO. AR-8/19/84 16-03-2006 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum hierarchical structural gap UDA LDA 60:40
21 21.5 Both Husband and Wife Govt, servant's regulation for allotment of Govt accommodation No.SAB-11/3/80 15-05-1980 Home office memorandum house rent allowance
6 6.19 Grant of service benefit to Adhoc/ Contract regularised Employees No. AR-SIASSO/98 16-11-2006 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification 3:1 ratio
6 6.18 Delegation of power to DGP for recruitment to UBSI/ABSI in the Nagaland Police NO. AR-8/26/81(P1 24-09-2004 Personnel and Administrative Reforms NOTIFICATION NPSC limitation of function third amendment regulation 2001
6 6.17 Regulation of Contract/ad-hoc Appointments No. AR-SIASSO/98 18-02-2004 Personnel and Administrative Reforms memorandum No.AR-5/ASSO/98(C)
21 21.5 Both Husband and Wife Govt, servant's regulation for allotment of Govt accommodation No.SAB-11/3/80 15-05-1980 Home office memorandum house rent allowance
6 6.16 Sainiks Boards in Nagaland to manned by ex-servicemen only. NO.HOME/SSA/8/81 23-04-2003 Home notification rajya sainik board kendriya ex-servicemen rules,1979 bharat sarkar karmik our prashasanik sudhar vibhage para disabled
21 21.5 Both Husband and Wife Govt, servant's regulation for allotment of Govt accommodation No.SAB-11/3/80 15-05-1980 Home office memorandum house rent allowance
21 21.4 Allotment of Govt. Land to private parties-Restriction thereof NO.LR/3-10/74 13-11-1978 Land Revenue order district authorities
6 6.15 Tampering of Proof of age in Service Records. NO AR-5/ASSO/98(A 26-02-2001 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum nagaland government servants conduct rules 1968
21 21.3 Transfer of Land from Tribal to non-Tribal without registration No.LR/2-118/76 16-05-1977 Land Revenue memorandum sale or lease transaction SDO (C) district sub-divisions DCs ADCs constructions
6 6.14 Guideline for appointments to Adhoc/Casual/Contract/Temporary posts No. AR-5/ASSO/98 (B) 26-08-1998 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
6 6.13 Withdrawal of requisition for filling up of posts through NPSC. NO.AR-8/11/82 29-10-1996 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum malafide intention not permisible
21 21.2 Settlement and transfer of Lands from Tribals to Non-Tribals-Restriction thereof NO.LR/16/73 22-04-1976 Land Revenue revenue regulation article 371(A) nagaland cabinet tribal non-tribal
21 21.1 Disposal of Govt. quarters along with site to private parties-Restriction thereof. No.FIN/REV/3/8/74 22-04-1975 Finance & Revenue office memorandum government quarters
6 6.12 Waiting List. NO AR-1/8/88 12-04-1996 Personnel and Administrative Reforms addendum subject to a minimum of one
20 20.6 Guidelines on the content regulation of Government advertising No.IPR/MISC/3-1/2015 27-08-2015 Information & Public Relations notification advertisements birth/death anniversaries tenure campaign supreme court prime minister chief justice
6 6.11 Waiting List. NO.WH/EST/104/73 (PL-1 13-09-1994 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum 25% vacancies 6 months valid
20 20.6 Guidelines on the content regulation of Government advertising No.IPR/MISC/3-1/2015 27-08-2015 Information & Public Relations notification advertisements birth/death anniversaries tenure campaign supreme court prime minister chief justice
6 6.9 Recriutment To The Post No.AR-1/8/88 24-08-1994 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
6 6.8 Appointment of outsiders (non-local) on contract basis. No. AR-2/1/88 04-06-1989 Personnel and Administrative Reforms short term basis
20 20.5 Lump Sum amount for conducting appearance in the contempt proceedings in a particular appearance NO.LIT/MISC-3/07 (Pt) 06-08-2015 Law & Justice circular Govt. advocates court
6 6.7 Obtaining the approval of Chief Secretary No.PAR-2/73/86 07-03-1986 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
20 20.4 Appointment of Assistant Labour Commissioners of all Districts in the State of Nagaland as Inspectors No.LAB-14/5/2009-10 31-07-2013 Labour & Employment notification assistant labour commissioners district inspectors
6 6.6 Constitution of Interview Board-Association of Deputy Secretary Personnel & Administrative Reforms (AR Branch) No. RCBT-8/80 21-09-1981 Personnel and Administrative Reforms memorandum reservation cell backward tribes
20 20.3 Govt. Advocates/Counsels to enter appearance in contempt proceedings No.LAW/LA/1/2002 30-06-2003 Law & Justice office memorandum advocates counsels
6 6.5 P&AR Department to associate to any Recruitment Board. No. AR-8/9/76 (Pt-ll) 17-09-1980 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification reservation cell for backward tribes 33% reservation policy
20 20.2 Government Litigations NO.LIT/MISC/58/90 12-07-1990 Law & Justice office memorandum writ appeal affidavit petition high court memo
6 6.4 Registration of names in the Employment Exchange in Nagaland No.L&E-2/80/75 22-07-1977 Labour notification electoral roll
20 20.1 Government Litigations NO.LIT-924/87 12-06-1990 Law & Justice office memorandum high court examination constitution nodal officer advocate court case
6 6.3 No Direct recruitment to be made with inviting applications. No. AR-8/8/74 07-07-1976 Home office memorandum favoritism
19 19.15 Instructions on Centralized Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS) relating to State Government Departments No.AR-3/GEN-317/2015 22-11-2016 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
19 19.14 Corrigendum on working hours No.GAB/GEN/21/2010 09-02-2011 Home notification
19 19.13 State Government working hours No.GAB/GEN/21/2010 09-02-2011 Home notification 4 days durga puja 10 days christmas newyear
19 19.12 Enforcement of No Work No Pay No.AR-3/Gen-1/96 20-05-2010 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum black badges mass casual leave sanction
19 19.11 Prompt Redressal of Public Grievances No.AR-12/4/88 20-06-2006 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
19 19.10 Prohibition of bringing in cigarettes/bidis and pan inside the Secretariat Complex NO-SAB-12/10/2004 23-06-2005 Home office memorandum
19 19.9 Office timings to be followed No. AR-3/Gen-1/96 17-06-2003 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum conduct discipline appeal rules no work no pay
6 6.2 Procedure for Ex-cadre and adhoc appointments under the Government. No.AR-8/1/75 23-05-1975 Home memorandum
19 19.8 Handling of Files by Unauthorized Persons No.AR-15/7/8 27-03-1995 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
6 6.1 Preference of candidates knowing one of the Naga dialects in Nagaland for appointment to Government Service in Nagaland No. APB. 1/24/64 25-07-1966 Home notification naga dialects
19 19.7 Enforcement of No Work No Pay NO. AR-13/5/89 05-12-1994 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum no work no pay fundamental rules
19 19.6 Attendance in the Districts NO.AR-15/7/94-III 30-10-1994 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum annexure A B
5 5.73 Comprehensive Instructions on Personal Information: Management System (PIMS) NO.PAR/PIMS-10/2017 04-03-2022 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum personal information management system cell fresh applicants annexure A DLRB/DRB/NPSC/AHoD O.M No. AR- 5/Asso/98 3/asso/98(pt) ar-3/gen-174/2007(pt) annexure b
19 19.5 Attendance in the Directorates NO.AR-15/7/94-11 30-08-1994 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum annexure rule 4 commissioner secretary
19 19.4 Attendance in the Secretariat NO.AR-15/7/94-1 30-08-1994 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum DC SDO Addl. annexure
5 5.72 Phasing out of Work-Charged & Casual Employees. No.AR-3/GEN-67/2001 12-07-2021 Personnel and Administrative Reforms clause 1 office memorandum
19 19.3 Head of Departments to visit districts NO.AR-15/8/91 05-01-1992 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification
5 5.71 Conversion of the post of Typists and Re-designation of Group-D posts: NO. AR-5/ASSO/98 07-06-2021 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum typist to LDA-cum-computer assistant multitasking staff mts
19 19.2 Using official names with designation while making instruction thereof NO.SAB-12/20/82(PT-11) 10-01-1988 Home notification ACRs service book personal files
5 5.70 Guidelines for maintenance of Service Book NO. AR-3/Gen-175/2007 04-05-2021 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum ACP, MACP PIMS GPF/NPS medical
19 19.1 Performance of official duties acted on verbal instruction/direction NO.APPT(B)-8/6/68 14-09-1976 Home memorandum
18 18.47 Review of existing Scholarship rates NO.HTE/TE/SCHO/21-8/2015 06-10-2016 Higher & Technical Education notification post matric scholarship state merit
18 18.46 Submission of Incumbency List and Posts Continuation Orders in time. No.AR-9/2/94 31-03-2016 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
5 5.69 Introduction of ePay Bill for Government Employees in the Nagaland Civil Secretariat NO. AR-10/ePay Bill/1/2021 04-05-2021 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum initial appointment details GPF/NPS number PIMS code transferred posting promotions acp/macp
5 5.68 Redesignation and Indicative list of Duties of Multi tasking Staff (MTS) NO.AR-15/1/85 (Pt) 25-02-2021 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum administrative reforms branch peon chowkidar mali sweeper
5 5.67 Revised Minimum rates of wages payable to Employees /Workers under the State Government No. AR-3/GEN-201/2009 13-11-2019 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification LAB-1/6/2004 pt-1
18 18.45 Discontinuation of Newspapers/Magazine Entitlement and Entertainment Allowance to Officers in the Secretariat, No.NAZ-8-N&M-2013 23-02-2016 Home office memorandum nazarat branch newspaper magazine IPR AHOD
5 5.66 Ban on Condonation of Overage Appointment. No. AR-13/28/75 (Pt) 23-08-2019 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification overage persons condonation
18 18.44 Entitlement of Non-Practicing Allowance (NPA) NO.HFW-6/A/36/09 25-01-2016 Health & Family Welfare notification
18 18.43 Delegation powers to the District and Coal Depot in-charges No.GM-21/COAL-88/2014 30-11-2015 Geology & Mining notification coal mining lease (CML) small pocket lincense (SPDL)
18 18.42 Control and issue coal transport challan to the coal mining license holders No.GM-21/COAL-88/2014 30-11-2015 Geology & Mining circular district-in-charges stockyards illegal mining jurisdiction
18 18.41 Introduction of an electronically Generated Payment Challan No. Form "e-challan" NO.FIN/REV-3/UTRN/2014-15 12-08-2015 Finance notification D2B UTRN e-challan
18 18.40 Revised procedure for submission of proposals by Departments to Finance Department for continuation of temporary posts. No.FIN/ESTT-4/5/CTP/2015 18-05-2015 Finance office memorandum treasuries sub-treasuries salary bill
5 5.65 Guidelines/format for procedure of Manpower Rationalization committee (MRC) for post up-gradation and post creation. No. AR-3/GEN-33/16 (Vol-1) 15-07-2019 Personnel and Administrative Reforms circular post up-gradation post creation
5 5.64 Instruction on Personal Information Management System (PIMS) No. PAR/PIMS-10/2017 05-07-2019 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum web enabled personnel management system tracking recording e-governance
18 18.39 Change in Procedure of Submission of Pay Bill-Reg. No.FIN/TA/6-9/76 03-02-2015 Finance office memorandum gazetted officers
5 5.63 Seeding of Aadhar Number of State Government employees in the PIMS data-Base No. PAR/PIMS-10/2017 02-08-2018 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum AR branch
5 5.62 Personal Information Management System (PIMS) No. PAR/PIMS-2/2015 27-05-2016 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum instant access unique
18 18.38 Signing of MOU/MOA and other agreements by State Government departments with other agencies/organizations. NO.FIN/GEN/MISC/9/2006 24-03-2014 Finance office memorandum
5 5.61 Clarification of qualifying years for promotion to Stenographer Grade-I from Grade-II No. AR-8/8/78 09-04-2019 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum all nagaland directorate and district stenographers service rules 2018 5 years
18 18.37 Clarification on New Pension Scheme for contract employees adhoc and work charged NO.FIN/ESTT-03/04 (VOL-1) 11-06-2013 Finance office memorandum contract Government provident fund
5 5.60 Compassionate Appointment Scheme for State Government employees who die in harness and Addendum thereof. No. AR-8/8/78 09-04-2019 Personnel and Administrative Reforms addendum compassionate appointment scheme group c d
5 5.59 Approval of the Hon'ble Chief Minister for appointment of Heads of Department. No. AR-6/4/78 29-11-2018 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum nagaland rules executive business 2016 part III department disposal business general clause 34 sub clause ix
5 5.58 Submission of proposals to Manpower Rationalization Committee for policy decision No. AR-3/GEN-33/16 (Vol-1) 09-11-2018 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum manpower rationalization committee
5 5.57 Linking of Aadhaar in respect of the State Government Employees No. AR-3/GEN-358/2018 14-06-2018 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum biometric attendance system
5 5.56 Pending case for condonation of overage No. AR-13/28/75 (Pt) 10-05-2018 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification
5 5.55 Scheme for regularization and absorption or Work-Charged and Casual Employees and Revision of Pay/Wages No. AR-3/GEN-201/2009 31-08-2017 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
5 5.54 Counting of Contract/Adhoc/Work-charged/Substitute period for retirement purpose No. AR-3/GEN-231/2011 31-05-2017 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
5 5.53 Counting of Contract/Adhoc/Work-charged/Substitute period for retirement purpose No. AR-3/GEN-231/2011 04-05-2017 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum public employment act 1991
5 5.52 Counting of Contract/Adhoc/Work-charged/Substitute period for retirement purpose No. AR-3/GEN-231/2011 29-03-2017 Personnel and Administrative Reforms PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT ACT 1991 land mark judgement 2nd amendment act
5 5.51 Counting of Contract/Adhoc period for Retirement. No.AR-3/GEN-231/2011 01-08-2012 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM public employment act 1991
5 5.50 Counting of Contract/Adhoc period for Retirement. No. AR-5/ASSO/98 (Pt-1) 22-12-2011 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum service benefits increment leave accumulation
5 5.49 Counting of Contract/Adhoc period for Retirement. No. AR-5/ASSO/98 (P1) 11-02-2011 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM public employment act 2009
5 5.48 Counting of Contract/Adhoc period for Retirement. No.AR-5/ASSO/98(Pt-I) 15-02-2010 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM regularization NPSC
5 5.47 Counting of Contract/Adhoc period for Retirement No. AR-5/ASSO/18 (P1-1) 26-11-2009 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum public employment act 2009
18 18.36 Austerity Measures. NO.BUD/1-18/2009-10 01-06-2012 Finance office memorandum construction works up-gradation plan non-plan
18 18.35 Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) for the State Government Employees Clarification Thereof. NO.FIN/ROP-19/2001 19-01-2012 Finance office memorandum financial up-gradation
18 18.34 Rules regulating the method of payment of Non Practicing Allowance to Medical Doctors of Health & Family Welfare Department under the Government of Nagaland. NO.HFW-6/A/36/09 19-09-2011 Health & Family Welfare notification medical doctors NPA monitoring annexure I III
18 18.33 Scheme shall be called 'e-Payment of Taxes (e-PoT) of the Government of Nagaland NO.FIN/REV-3/CYB/52/11 01-07-2011 Finance notification bank taxes e-payment role of tax payer e-challan
18 18.32 Signing of MOUs/MOAs and other agreements by Govt. Department regarding. NO.FIN/GEN/MISC/9/2006 03-02-2011 Finance office memorandum
18 18.31 Scheme of revision of pay of Teachers and equivalent cadres in Universities and Colleges NO.EDS/HTE/24/91(Pt) 24-08-2010 Higher & Technical Education notification pay fixation formula increments allowances superannuation arrears
18 18.30 Submission of Proposal for GPF Final Payment to Finance Department. NO.FIN/GEN/17/98-/99 (Pt) 03-06-2010 Finance office memorandum death cases sanction order
18 18.30 Submission of Proposal for GPF Final Payment to Finance Department. NO.FIN/GEN/17/98-/99 (Pt) 03-06-2010 Finance office memorandum death cases sanction order
18 18.29 Payment of Non-Practicing Allowance(NPA) for Medical and Veterinary Doctors serving under the State Govt. of Nagaland. NO.FIN/ROPN I-PC/1/2008 17-03-2010 Finance notification medical veterinary doctors basic pay health family welfare Indian medical council house rent travelling allowances
18 18.28 Adoption the new restructured Defined Contribution Pension Scheme of the GOI by the State Government of Nagaland NO.FIN/ESTT-3/04(Pt) 28-01-2010 Finance notification pension fund PFRDA NSDL dearness allowances
18 18.27 Austerity measures. NO.BUD/1-18/2009-10 18-11-2009 Finance office memorandum vehicles furniture foreign tour air journey meetings conferences hotels expenditure
18 18.26 Extension of the State Assured Career Progression (ACP) Scheme to the Graduate Teachers under the School Education Department NO.EDS/1-1/2005(Pt) 08-04-2008 School Education office memorandum ACP
18 18.25 Obtaining of the concurrence of Finance Department before submitting any matter to the Cabinet involving finance implications for the State. NO.FIN/EXP (A)/1-6/2002 18-05-2007 Finance office memorandum ex-post facto cabinet
18 18.24 Modalities for drawal of Medical reimbursement claims. NO.FIN/ESTT/12/2005(Pt)A 17-10-2006 Finance office memorandum medical reimbursement hospital AMA
18 18.23 Assured Career Progressive Scheme for employees of Nagaland Government Clarification Thereof. NO.FIN/ROP/19/2001 17-10-2006 Finance office memorandum stenographers promotion typists
18 18.22 The Nagaland Ministers (Allowances and Privileges) (Amendment) Rules, 2005 NO.PARLI-5/88 (Pt) 22-07-2005 Parliamentary Affairs notification salaries allowances vehicles maintenance allowance
18 18.21 Deduction of Departmental Charges from Capital Works Expenditure. NO.BUD/1-10/2004-2005 30-05-2004 Finance notification
18 18.20 Merger of 50% of Dearness Allowance with basic pay for computation of daily rates of wages of casual laborers. NO.49014/5/2004-Estt 31-05-2004 Personnel & Training office memorandum daily wages labourers dearness allowance
18 18.19 Procedure for drawal of pay off gazetted and non-gazetted State Govt. employees No.FIN/TAX/6-9/76 14-10-2003 Finance office memorandum DDO TA/LTC pay slip GPF GIS HBA LPC annexure directorate district officers
18 18.18 Grant of Nursing Allowances uniform allowances and Washing Allowances to the Nursing personnel. NO.FIN/ROPN-PC/98(PT) 21-01-2003 Finance office memorandum hospitals dispensaries P.H.C uniform washing allowances nursing personnel
18 18.17 Grant of Conveyance Allowance to Deputy Secretaries and Under Secretaries NO.FIN/ROP/25/2001(PT) 23-10-2002 Finance under secretaries deputy ROP allowances
18 18.16 Entitlement of Contract Allowance in the revised scale-clarification thereof. FIN/ROPN-PC/ TDA/98-99 09-08-2002 Finance office memorandum contract allowances basic pay U.G.C scales
18 18.15 Tariffs rate of Government servants on official duties NO.FIN/ROPN-PC/TDA/98-99 09-07-2002 Finance office memorandum state guest house
18 18.14 Time Bound Scales of pay of group 'A' employees of Nagaland Government. NO.FIN/ROP/19/2001 27-02-2002 Finance office memorandum ROP rules notification annexure
5 5.46 Verification of Work-Charged and Casual Employees-Follow up action thereof. No. AR-3/GEN-315/2015 09-11-2016 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM ROP 1993 NAGALAND regulation act 2001
5 5.45 Scheme for the Work-Charged and Casual Employees-Follow up action thereof. No. AR-3/GEN-315/2015 20-02-2016 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum GEN-201/2009 ROP 2009
5 5.44 Verification Report in respect of Work-Charged and Casual Employees-follow up action thereof. No. AR-3/GEN-67/2001 02-02-2016 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum GEN-201/2009 district level verification committee
18 18.13 Travelling Allowance Rules-Implementation on Adoptions of Central Scales Regarding. NO.FIN/ROP/N-PV/TDA/98-99 23-07-2001 Finance office memorandum TA claims annexure mileage allowances road daily trasportation conyeyance notification
5 5.43 Revised Compassionate Appointment Scheme for State Government employees who die in harness. No. AR-8/8/78 17-09-2013 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum no relaxation upper age limit 5 years
18 18.12 Travelling Allowance Rules-Implementation on Adoptions of Central Scales Regarding. FIN/ROPN-PC/TDA/98-99 23-07-2001 Finance office memorandum annexure TA claims
5 5.42 Clarification Scheme for regularization and absorption of Work-Charged and Casual Employees and Revision of Pay/Wages. No.AR-3/GEN-201/2009 09-07-2015 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum fixation of initial pay applying fixation formula minimum of the pay band IPS format
18 18.11 Group-D Government servants to be brought over to next higher scale on reaching the maximum of the relevant revised scale in which their revised pay was notionally fixed on 1.6.1998. NO.FIN/ROP/23/2001/A 28-06-2001 Finance ROP Rules
5 5.41 Revised notification on upgradation of the posts of District and Divisional HAs to that of gazetted status No. AR-13/5/89 31-03-2015 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification head assistant class III promotion
18 18.10 Grant of anti-stagnation increment to State government employees stagnating at the maximum of their pay under Nagaland Services (ROP) Rules, 1999. NO.FIN/ROP/N-PC/98-99(PT) 17-05-2001 Finance office memorandum
5 5.40 Scheme for regularization and absorption of Work-Charged and Casual Employees and Revision of Pay/Wages. No. AR-3/GEN-201/2009 17-03-2015 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum regularisation 30 years rop rules 2010 macp scheme formula 10 % basic pay
5 5.39 Self Certification of documents like marksheet, birth certificate etc by the applicants. No. AR-3/GEN-277/2014 16-09-2014 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum second administrative reforms commission
5 5.38 Restriction of Foreign Travel on Govemment Expense No. AR-12/1/89 13-10-2015 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
5 5.37 Restriction of Foreign Travel on Government Expenses. No. AR-12/1/89 03-07-2013 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
5 5.36 Overstay in service of Government employees-Matter Thereof. No. APPT-15/3/67 (Pt) 03-06-2013 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum public employment second amendment act 2009
18 18.9 Drawal of pay and allowances by the officers of the State Government whose post and scale are upgraded fresh-decision thereof. NO.FIN/ESTT/30/98 16-03-1999 Finance office memorandum ,fixation pay slips treasury & accounts
5 5.35 Terms of Reference for Officers and Staff of the Budget and Monitoring Cell. No. PAR/XC-08/2011 21-12-2012 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification personnel a branch civil service board (csb)
5 5.34 Format for retirement purpose. No. AR-3/Gen-174/2007 (Pt) 19-07-2012 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
18 18.8 Payment of ex-gratia compensation to the families of polling personnel who die or sustain Injuries while on election duty. NO.ELE/ACCTTS-25/83(pt) 27-10-1997 Election order state assembly election retirement gratuity encashment credit
5 5.33 Ban on extension/re-employment of Govemment servants. No. AR-5/ASSO/98 15-03-2012 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum 5/ASSO/98(B) 26/02/2001 35 years
5 5.32 Ex-post facto approval of P&AR/Finance and other departments after Cabinet approval. No. AR-3/Gen-58/2001 (Pt) 03-03-2012 Personnel and Administrative Reforms addendum
18 18.7 Ex-gratia to Govt. employees killed during Govt. duties. NO.CON-54/89 08-06-1990 Home notification police officers natural calamities
5 5.31 Compassionate Appointment Scheme for State Government employees who die in harness. No. AR-8/8/78 16-01-2012 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
18 18.6 Ex-gratia to Govt. employees killed during Govt. duties. FIN/EXPDR(A)1-5/87 07-08-1989 Finance office memorandum deputy commissioner executive engineer cabinet TA bills receipt
18 18.5 Economy measures and control of unauthorized Liabilities. H/SSA/18/82 18-01-1989 Home order indo-tibetan border recepients gallantry awards prisoners scholarships marriage
18 18.4 Payment of Professional Tax. FIN/TAX/3/86 22-11-1988 Finance memorandum financial tax doctors drivers schools colleges contractors workshop driving licenses
18 18.3 Principles governing grant of Honorarium to officers and Staff: Payment of Professional Tax. SAB-16/10/76(VOL-1) 06-10-1986 Home office memorandum budget branch
5 5.30 Doing away with the requirement of ex-post facto approval of P&AR/Finance and other department after Cabinet Approval No. AR-3/Gen-58/2001 (Pt) 01-11-2011 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum rule 8 administrative reforms
18 18.2 Special pay of Drivers and Head Drivers SAB-14/2/82 24-10-1983 Home order sanction drivers U.O. N.O. 1040
5 5.29 Retirement of Government servant after date of superannuation and thereof. No. APPT-15/3/67 (Pt) 17-08-2011 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum overstay ex-post facto
18 18.1 Recovery of Sales Tax instructions to plug loopholes in the recovery of Sales Tax Revenue. FIN/TAX/51/81 16-02-1982 Finance memorandum sale tax drawing disbursing officer superintendent taxation sub-ordinate
5 5.28 Transfer & Posting of Nagaland Secretariat Service Staff-Regarding NO. PAR-2/275/08(NSS) 06-07-2009 Personnel and Administrative Reforms MEMORANDUM par 2/257/08 nss 20-5-20090par 3/6/83(a& b) 30-06-2009
17 17.23 Guidelines on Invalid Pension. NO.PAR/INV PEN-8/2015 22-12-2015 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum P&AR gratuity
5 5.27 Restriction of Foreign Travel on Government Expenses: No. AR-12/1/89 21-07-2009 Personnel and Administrative Reforms tour abroad hospitality contributions regulation act FCRA
17 17.22 Speedy Disposal of Pension & other Retirement Benefits. No.PAR/PEN/OBJ/6/2012 13-07-2015 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum PPO book family pension death pensioner retirement benefits AHOD HOD
17 17.21 Implementation of New Defined Contribution Pension Scheme NO.FIN/ESTT-3/04 (Pt-II) 27-08-2012 Finance office memorandum pension PPAN
5 5.26 Regulation of the Cadre posts of Typists. No.AR-3/Gen-174/2007 16-09-2008 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM dpc 5 years special grade typist directorate
17 17.20 Introduction of New Pension Scheme for Member of All Indian Services Joining the All India Service on or After 1.1.2004. NO.FIN/ESTT-3/04(Pt) 19-04-2011 Finance office memorandum establishment branch pension scheme personnel & Training Tier I and II DTA/TO insurance PFRDA AIS
5 5.25 Regularisation of contract/Ad-Hoc appointments against sanctioned post No. AR-5/ASSO/98 04-08-2008 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM OM SUITABILITY TEST
5 5.23 Procedure for Creation/Upgradation of Posts in the Governor's Secretariat. NO. AR-6/4/78 (Pt) 16-11-2006 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification P&AR (O&M Cell) 11 21-10-2005 RFC/Estt 81/5 27/2/2006 CAB-2/2003 30/10/2006
17 17.19 Speedy Disposal of pension cases. No. PAR/PEN-13/2006 02-02-2011 Personnel and Administrative Reforms pension cell office memorandum AHOD no demand certificate loan branch electricity bill motor car housing scooter home housing department DDO finance department
17 17.18 Relaxation of Commutation of Pension Rules, 1981 arising out of Nagaland Retirement from Public Employment (Second Amendment) Act, 2009. No.PAR/PEN-I3/2006 02-02-2011 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification commutation of pension rule 13 senior government employees welfare association civil appeal second amendment
5 5.22 Overstay of Govt. employees beyond the date of superannuation. No. APPT-15/3/67 (Pt) 24-05-2005 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
5 5.21 Policy and Scheme for Regularisation of service of Work-Charged Employees. NO AR-3/Gen-67/2001 (P1) 22-09-2004 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM no age bar
17 17.17 Introduction of New Defined Contribution Pension Scheme effective from 1.1.2010 for new entrants under State Government service deduction or contribution thereunder. No.FIN/ESTT-3/04 (Pt-) 22-09-2010 Finance office memorandum GPF pension scheme fund deposits treasury challan DDO annexure II master register
5 5.20 Release of University Grants Commission pay scale to Kohima Arts College and Private Colleges in Nagaland. NO. EDS(c) 4/91(PT-1) 02-08-2002 Higher Education F.1-22/97-U.I 27/7/98 22/9/98 6/11/98 UGC
5 5.19 Scheme of Compassionate Appointment for dependents of deceased Government servants. NO.AR-8/8/78 13-02-2002 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM die harness compassionate ground spouse son daughter brother sister
5 5.18 Notification on upgradation of the posts of District and Divisional HAs to that of gazetted status NO.AR-13/5/89 11-02-2002 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification 6000-9750 PM
5 5.17 Criteria for regularization of Work-Charged. No.AR-2/1/87 10-07-2001 Personnel and Administrative Reforms MEMORANDUM casual employees act 2001 work charged
5 5.16 Ban on extension/re-employment of Government servants No. AR-5/ASSO/98(B) 26-02-2001 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
5 5.15 Revised procedures for appointment in Government NO AR-5/ASSO/98(C) 26-02-2001 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM npsc backward tribe no contract
17 17.16 Guidelines for Streamlining Pension Management No. PAR/PEN-13/2006 06-08-2010 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum pension cell accountants general HOD AHOD birth-certificate
5 5.14 Submission of Posts Continuation Orders and Incumbency List NO AR-1/ATI-5/Cont/96 29-11-1999 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum om post continuation orders pco incumbency list il
17 17.15 New Defined Contribution Pension Scheme NO.F1N/ESTT-3/04 (Pt) 28-01-2010 Finance notification PFRDA depository NSDL basic pay life insurance company lump sum DDOs investment accounting pension wealth 60% 80%
5 5.13 Ban on Creation of new posts and engagement of Work Charged staff. NO AR-3/Gen-41/99 26-08-1999 Personnel and Administrative Reforms banning O.M
5 5.12 Govt. officials exerting influence from public leaders in the matter of postings and transfer NO AR-8/37/81 06-04-1999 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM violation rule 19 20 government servants conduct rules 1968 petitions canvassing of non-official
17 17.14 Forwarding of the Nagaland Retirement from Public Employment (Second Amendment), Act, 2009 (Act No. 7 of 2009) published in the Gazette. No. AR-3/Gen-174/2007 (Pt) 20-08-2009 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum official gazette second amendment notification LAW/ACT-253/09 retirement section 3(2)
17 17.13 Liberalised Pensionary Awards to the Government Servants Including IAS/IPS/IFS Officers killed in action/encounter-Revision thereof due to implementation of ROP, 1999. NO.FIN/ROP/PEN-6/87 17-07-2006 Finance office memorandum pensionary welfare cell deceased
5 5.11 Guidelines on posting and transfer of spouses in one station etc. in the State: NO.AR/O&M-2/92 08-07-1992 Personnel and Administrative Reforms memorandum E.A.C. DISTRICT
17 17.12 Revised procedure for delivery of personal copies of PPO to the Pensioners No.FIN/ESTT/3/04 20-10-2005 Finance office memorandum accountant PPO HOD pensioner
17 17.11 Ban on appointment of relatives after availing Voluntary Retirement. NO. AR-3/Gen-134/2004 14-02-2005 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum retirement 20 years unemployment
5 5.10 Abolition of equation of posts of District and Divisional Head Assistant with that of UDAs of the Directorate. No APB-3/24/96 25-06-1987 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM r.o.p rules 1984
17 17.10 Ban of claims of arrears, pay and allowances from people affected by the Nagaland Retirement from Public Employment Act, 1991 NO.FIN/ESTT-14/98 10-01-2003 Finance office memorandum sanction arrears retirement
5 5.9 Transfer/Posting of Spouses at same Station No.28034/7/86-Estt. (A) 08-10-1986 Personnel & Training O.M. 28034/7/86 Estt. (A) 3-4-1986
5 5.8 Transfer/postion of Spouses at same Station. No.PAR-1/10/79-AIS (PT) 27-10-1986 Personnel and Administrative Reforms MEMORANDUM No.29034/7/85-Estt(A) 8-8-86
5 5.7 Abolition of equation of post of District and Divisional H.A. (Head Assistant) with that of UDA of Directorates: No AR-13/2/69 21-09-1985 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM
17 17.8 Modifications of Rules regulating Pension/Family Pension etc. consequent on introduction of Nagaland Services (Revision of Pay) Rules 1999. NO.FIN/ROPN-PC-1/98-99 07-03-2001 Finance office memorandum family pension rule 26 emoluments death-cum-retirement-gratuity commutation medical allowance
5 5.6 Exemption of Typist of Heads of Department/District and Subordinate office appointed prior to 30-11-82 from operation of the separate Typist cadre. NO AR-8/20/82 14-08-1985 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM LDA-cum-TYPIST
17 17.7 Consequential benefits to all the affected premature retirees NO.AR-15/7/04 12-11-1997 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum high court's judgement annexure I retired officials promotion pension justice & law finance
5 5.5 Gradation of separate Typist cadre clarification thereof NO AR-8/20/82 25-02-1983 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum 40 WPM 4 years
5 5.4 Gradation of Typist L.D.A-cum-Typist gradation & appointment-clarification thereof NO AR-8/20/82 (11) 25-02-1983 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
5 5.3 Separation of Typists cadre between Secretariat Directorate and Subordinate Office. NO. AR-8/20/82 29-11-1982 Personnel and Administrative Reforms grade III II I senior special
17 17.6 Consequential benefits to all the affected premature retirees. NO.AR.-15/7/94 08-04-1997 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification high court retirement pay allowances superannuation annexure II affidavit employment business profession vocation
5 5.2 Submission of Petitions by Government Servants direct to the Govt/higher authorities NO AR-11/7/76 04-09-1976 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum nagaland conduct rules 1968
17 17.5 Liberalisation, Pensionary award to the Government servants including IAS/IPS/IFS officers killed in action encounter. NO.PAR-A/62/89 03-06-1995 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum pensionary award liberalisation IAS IPS IFS home affairs encounter new delhi superannuation deceased last pay allowance drawn cabinet finance department
5 5.1 Conversion of Temporary posts in Ministries and Departments the Government of India into Permanent ones No. FIN-23/64/A 04-10-1966 Finance office memorandum 23(46) E.G.I./65 80 % temporary post
4 4.39 Constitution of Review Committee on Job Reservation Policy in the State No. AR-3/GEN-255/2012 01-06-2020 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification
4 4.38 Constitution of Review Committee on Job Reservation Policy in the State No. AR-3/GEN-255/2012 19-03-2020 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification ACS CMO Rights persons with disabilities act 2016
4 4.37 Constitution of Review Committee to review the cases of officer under suspension No. AR-3/GEN-361/2019 27-10-2019 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
17 17.4 Retirement of government servant after date of Superannuation No. APPT-15/3/67(PT) 07-04-1993 Personnel and Administrative Reforms memorandum retirement superannuation regularization pensionary ex-post-facto approval extension
4 4.36 Constitution of Committee to look into the Functioning of Work-Charged establishment of Power Department No. AR-3/GEN-201/09 24-10-2019 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification
17 17.3 Retirement of persons from public employment NO.APPT-15/3/67 (PT) 11-02-1993 Personnel and Administrative Reforms memorandum retirement public service act 33 years 57 years guwahati high court judgement
4 4.35 Constitution of Committee on Staff Selection Board (SSB) for recruitment of Grade-III posts in the State No. AR-5/ASSO/98(Pt) 23-10-2019 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification staff selection board ssb grade iii
4 4.34 Constitution of Review Committee on Job Reservation policy No. AR-3/Gen-255/2012 05-08-2019 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification Sentiyanger Imchen
17 17.2 The Nagaland Retirement from Public Employment Act, 1991 nagaland legislative assembly secretariat kohima tenure republic gazetted court law retirement
4 4.33 Constitution of Manpower Rationalization Committee No.AR-3/GEN-331/16(Vol-I) 09-07-2019 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM CHECKLIST MRC upgradation proposal
17 17.1 Serving of notice to officer who are attaining age of Superannuation. No. AR-13/42/75 10-03-1976 Home office memorandum superannuation proforma
4 4.32 Guidelines for Constitution of Cadre Review committee for various Government Departments. No-AR-3/GEN-92/2002 19-06-2019 Personnel and Administrative Reforms circular download
4 4.31 Guidelines for Constitution of Cadre Review committee for various Government Departments No-AR-3/GEN-92/2002 13-06-2019 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum A B C D E F G H I (i) (ii)
4 4.30 Constitution of Committee on fixed pay employees and rationalization of manpower. No. AR-3/Gen-5/96 06-03-2019 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification manpower rationalization committee
4 4.29 Holding of DPC for non-gazetted post in various Department No. AR-1/8/88 13-08-2018 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum 7 days agenda promotion
4 4.28 Constitution of Committee to examine the posthumous and Ex-post-facto regularization of the adhoc/contract/work-Charged employees No. AR-3/GEN-342/2017 04-04-2017 Personnel and Administrative Reforms NOTIFICATION EX POST facto regularization
4 4.27 Constitution of DPC for non-gazetted posts in various Departments. NO. AR-1/8/88 21-12-2016 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification
4 4.26 Procedure for filling up of Grade-III & IV Posts in the Departments. No. AR-3/Gen-174/2007(Pt) 07-12-2016 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum indigenous inhabitant certificate iic
4 4.25 Constitution of Manpower Rationalization Committee (MRC). No. AR-3/GEN-58/2001 20-02-2016 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum Manpower rationalization committee mrc
4 4.24 Setting up of Nagaland State Human Rights Commission. No.CON-7/HR/23/2006 04-01-2016 Home notification political branch
4 4.23 Constitution of Tripartite Committee for speedy implementation of the recommendations of Majithia Wage Board in the State of Nagaland No. LAB-14/5/2009-2010 17-11-2015 Labour & Employment notification miscellaneous provisions 1995 tripartite
4 4.21 Reconstitution of Common Selection Board (CSB) for selection and nomination of candidates for admission to various Technical Courses No. HTE/TE/1-25/05 (Vol-1) 04-05-2015 Technical Education notification 10-10/08 Common selection board csb
4 4.20 Reconstitution of the Nagaland Law Committee No. LAW/CT-10/2014 13-03-2015 Law & Justice law committee
4 4.19 Establishment of Village Disaster Management Authority (VDMA) No. NSDMA/SEC/MTG/2011 23-09-2013 Home NOTIFICATION section 31 clause 1 2 2008 core committee
4 4.18 Constitution of District Disaster Management and Response Office No. NSDMA/NOT-ORD/2012 03-09-2013 Home notification state disaster management authority act 2005 section 29 2008 section 19 ADC(Hq) district emergency operation centre DEOC
16 16.15 Preparation and maintenance of Annual Performance Assessment Report (APAR) for State Government Servants No. PER/VIG-5/3/01 31-03-2022 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum format self appraisal custody writing reporting reviewing accepting authority numerical grading periodicity part report letters appreciation commendation disclosure annexure I II III IV deputation retirement deceased form
4 4.17 Delegation to the Inspector General of Fire & Emergency Services power of recruitment of Assistant Station Officer (Sub-Inspector rank) in the Nagaland Fire & Emergency Services department NO. AR-8/26/81(P1) 15-09-2012 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification PAR-B/6/2008(Pt)
4 4.16 Re-constitution of DPC for all non-gazetted under various Heads of Department. No.AR-3/GEN-92/2002 16-09-2011 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM
4 4.15 Re-constitution of DPC for all non-gazetted under various Heads of Department. NO. AR-1/8/88 07-12-2009 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification retirement public employment second amedment act
4 4.14 Re-constitution of DPC for all non-gazetted under various Heads of Department. NO AR-1/8/88 24-03-2009 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification administrative reforms branch 4125
4 4.13 Re-constitution of Upgradation and Post Creation Committee. No. AR-3/Gen-58/2001 07-02-2008 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
4 4.12 Composition of the Loan Recovery Team NO.FIN/GEN-7/5/01 (PT) 13-03-2003 Finance office memorandum sbi District loan recovery teams dlrt 10%
4 4.11 Guidelines for constitution of Cadre Review Committee. for various Govt. Departments No.AR-3/GEN-92/200 08-11-2002 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
4 4.10 Constitution of a Committee to consider proposals for Creation of Posts. No.AR-3/GEN-75/2002 15-02-2002 Personnel and Administrative Reforms memorandum
16 16.14 Procedure for writing of Annual Performance Assessment Report of the State Government Servants. No. PER/VIG-5/3/01 10-08-2020 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum ARAR secretariate para 1 subordinate
4 4.9 Reconstitution of Departmental Promotion /Selection Committee of all non-gazetted staff under Police Department. NO AR-8/26/81(P1) 13-07-2001 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification
4 4.8 Enforcement of Nagaland Work-Charged and Casual Employees Regulation Act 2001 NO.AR-2/1/87 31-03-2001 Personnel and Administrative Reforms NOTIFICATION SUB SECTION 3 of section 1
16 16.13 Procedure to follow for circulation of Annual Administrative Reports No. AR-10/2/96 (Pt.) 23-03-2018 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum article 166 AHOD assembly OM receipt
4 4.7 Constitution of State Civil Services Board NO AR-3/GEN-61/2001 27-03-2001 Personnel and Administrative Reforms memorandum IAS NCS NSS
16 16.12 Circulation of Revised APAR Format. No. PER/VIG-5/3/01 22-03-2017 Personnel and Administrative Reforms circular APAR AHOD HOD gazetted & non-gazetted establishment
4 4.6 Constitution of Vision Groups - terms of reference NO.AR-3/GEN-10/97(PT)/B 05-03-2001 Personnel and Administrative Reforms memorandum transparent accountable administration
16 16.11 Channel of submission of Annual Performance Assessment Report in respect of Officers at the Secretariat level. NO.PER/VIG-5/3/01 30-03-2012 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum annual performance assessment report secretariat NON IAS/NCS hierarchical deputy joint additional APAR
4 4.5 Restriction of Upgradation of Posts-Constitution of Upgradation Committee NO.AR-3/Gen-58/2001 03-02-2001 Personnel and Administrative Reforms proper justification memorandum upgradation
16 16.10 Procedures for writing of Annual Performance Assessment Report of State Government Servants. No. PER/VIG-5/3/01 18-06-2010 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum APAR superior officer AHOD junior section Non-IAS Non-SCS minister-in-charge IAS&NCS cadres deputy joint additional secretariat directorate district level magistrate SDO/ADC sub-divisional block offices stenographers
4 4.4 Constitution of Committees/ Boards Order of precedence No.AR-13/12/78(PT) 07-12-1999 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM position
4 4.3 Constitution of Departmental Committee for Gazetted Officers No.AR-1/8/88 12-06-1996 Personnel and Administrative Reforms PROMOTIONAL Office memorandum
4 4.2 Re-constitute the Departmental Promotion Committee for all Non-Gazetted under various Heads of Departments NO.AR-8/26/81 24-09-1981 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification APPT 15/4/67
4 4.1 Re-constitution of Selection Committee for appointments in the districts NO.AR-11/10/75 17-04-1979 Personnel and Administrative Reforms NOTIFICATION district sub divisional
16 16.9 Instruction for writing of ACR. NO.PER/VIG-5/1/97 19-12-2009 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum financial year NCS IAS OM
3 3.33 Renaming of Directorate of Home Guards & Civil Defence (HG & CD) as Directorate of Home Guards, Civil Defence & State Disaster Response Force (HG, CD & SDRF). No. AR-15/1/85 (Pt) 20-08-2020 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification rule 58(d)(3)(iii) hg & cd & sdrf nsdma sdrf sidm
16 16.8 Guidelines for writing ACRs of Close Relatives. NO, PER/VIG-5/2/2003 22-06-2009 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum ACR receipt
3 3.32 Constitution of the Nagaland Staff Selection board (NSSB) No. AR-3/GEN-374/2019 20-07-2020 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification
16 16.7 Writing of ACRs. NO. PER/VIG-1/2/2006 04-12-2006 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum P&AR compliance annexure
3 3.31 Designation of Municipal Affairs Department as the Nodal Department for implementation of the Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act, 2013 No. AR-15/1/85 (Pt) 08-07-2020 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification prohibition of employment manual scavengers and rehabilitation act, 2013 safai karamcharis
16 16.6 Channel of writing ACRs in respect of IPS Officers. No.POL-1/ESTT/23/2001 16-02-2006 Home office memorandum annual confidential reports ACRs IPS officers cadre rule 5 (1) Form-I Form-II CR promotional committees selection counsel general assessment
16 16.5 Annual Confidential Report on the Government servants procedures for writing of ACRs. NO. PER/ACR/1/77 23-02-2005 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum aforesaid secretariat branch/section district/Sub Divisional offices staff/assistants superintendent Non-IAS/ Non-NCS reports EACs SDO ADC district headquarters border magistrates deputy joint addl. secretaries chief ministers stenographers reporting para 5
16 16.4 Writing and Submission of ACR(s) NO.PERVIG/5/3/2002 08-01-2004 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum promotion confirmation efficiency bar assured career progression letter vigilance branch endorse copy reporting O.M grievances joint secretary accepting reviewing cadre nodal officers record self-assessment self-appraisal subordinate
3 3.30 Creation of separate Cell of Minority Affairs under Planning & Co-ordination Department No. AR-15/1/85 (Pt) 12-09-2019 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification scheme Ministry of minority affairs (goi) Maulana azad national fellowship (manf) naya savera nai udaan seekho aur kamao USTTAD pradhan mantri jan vikas karyakaram pmjvk quami waqf board taraqqiati shahari waqf sampatti vikas yojana corpus fund maef nmdfc
16 16.3 Writing and Submission of ACR(s). NO.PER/VIG/5/3/2001 22-08-2001 Personnel and Administrative Reforms ACR monthly meetings hod secretaries capacity reporting reviewing documents EB promotion carrer progression assesment january december self-assessment delayed O.M strict compliance financial year
3 3.29 Creation of Tribal Affairs Department, Nagaland. No. AR-15/1/85 (Pt) 05-08-2019 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification Tribal research institute (TRI) 2017, ngo,state grants Special central assistance tribal sub scheme sca to tsp EMRSS Eklavya mode4l residential school CAB-2/2013(pt)
16 16.2 Writing of ACRs and communication of adverse remarks Thereof: NO.PER/ACR/6/2/79: 03-10-1981 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum grading employee E.B. promotion record service average
3 3.28 Renaming Vigilance Commission as Nagaland Lokayukta. No. AR-15/1/85 (Pt) 04-03-2019 Personnel and Administrative Reforms NOTIFICATION
3 3.27 Renaming the Department of Fisheries as Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. NO. FY/ESTT-1/16/2014 09-07-2018 Fisheries notification OM CAB-2/2013
16 16.1 Submission of Immovable Property Return on IAS Officers- Regarding: NO. 8(5) /99-EO (PR) 08-06-1999 Personnel & Training Annual Immovable Property return statement IPR IAS officers cadre 1998 1999 confidential
3 3.26 Designation of Planning and Co-ordination Department as the Nodal Department for anchoring the activities of Nagaland Bamboo Development Agency No. AR-15/1/85 (Pt) 09-10-2018 Personnel and Administrative Reforms NOTIFICATION NBM mission
3 3.25 Renaming of Irrigation & Flood Control Department as Water Resources Department. No. AR-15/1/85 (Pt) 02-07-2018 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification first schedule section 22 cabinet vide no CAB-2/2013
3 3.24 Renaming of the Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry as Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services. AHV/SR/2005 22-03-2017 Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department notification U.O.No.173 dt 14/03/17
3 3.23 Designation of Department of Irrigation & Flood Control as the Nodal Department for Water Resources. No. IRR/FC/WR-11/2016 22-08-2016 Irrigation & Flood Control water nodal Detailed project report DPRS catchment area treatment ganaga rejuvenation
3 3.22 Renaming of Department of Labour and Employment as Department of Labour and Employment, Skill Development. & Entrepreneurship (L&E, SD&E) No. EMP-2/106/2015 02-02-2016 Labour & Employment notification
3 3.21 Renaming of Forest Department NO.FOR/EST-8/15 28-09-2015 Environment, Forests & Climate Change nomenclature notification ecology
15 15.18 Compliance to the principle of No Work No Pay NO.AR-3/GEN-1/96 12-02-2020 Personnel and Administrative Reforms circular ahod hod attendance report
3 3.20 Assignment of duties between Municipal Affairs and Urban Development Department. NO.AR-3/GEN-103/2003 25-08-2015 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification cadre assigned AMRUT Atal Mission for rejuvenation and urban transformation Swachh Bharat mission smart city
15 15.17 Restriction of Government servants from making statements in the press, social media and in public meetings against Government policies 21-10-2019 Home order violation rule
3 3.19 Separate Directorate of Municipal Affairs NO. AR-3/GEN-103/2003 03-06-2015 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification separate
15 15.16 Complaints Committee should be set up in all the Directorates and Districts having a staff of more than 50(fifty) employees No. AR-3/GEN-28/98 03-09-2013 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification
3 3.18 Creation of separate Directorate of Municipal NO.AR-3/GEN-103/2003 01-04-2015 Personnel and Administrative Reforms urban development notification common administrative head
15 15.15 Designation of Secretary, Women Development, Government of Nagaland as the State Level Officer to coordinate all issues connected with the welfare of women and children in the State of Nagaland No. AR-3/GEN-28/98 26-06-2013 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification
3 3.17 Change of nomenclature of Women Development" to "Women Resource Development" NO.WD/ESTT-1/1/2013 03-06-2014 Women Resource Development notification
3 3.16 Declaration of New & Renewable Energy Department as the Nodal Department for all projects (below 1 MW) sponsored by Ministry of New & Renewable Energy NO.NRE/GEN-1/22/2010 15-07-2010 New & Renewable Energy office memorandum solar wind biogas hydroger
15 15.14 Representations of NGOs/Agencies in service matters of Individual Officers No. AR-8/37/81 (Pt) 30-03-2013 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum
15 15.13 Representation received from the Government employees/ NGO/Agencies in service matters. No. AR-8/37/81 (Pt) 30-04-2013 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum tribal associations NGOS
3 3.15 Creation of a new Department of New & Renewable Energy (NRE) No.AR-3/Gen-199/99 29-07-2009 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum IREP NBMMP NREDA NRE 1MW capacity
3 3.13 Creation of a separate Budget and Monitoring Cell in the Finance Department. No. AR-15/1/85 10-12-2004 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification
15 15.12 Declaration of Deputy Secretary and above in Nagaland Secretariat as empowered officer for suspending the Secretariat (Group C & D). NO.PER/VIG/7/7/92 03-05-2004 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification rules 6(1) discipline appeal 1967 deputy secretary imputation of misconduct articles of charges witnesses
3 3.12 Renaming of the Department of Higher and Technical consequent upon transfer of Technical Education subject Education and Department of Information Technology and from the former to the latter. No. AR-15/1/85 24-09-2004 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM inter seniority
3 3.11 Transfer of the subject of Technical Education from the Department of Higher & Technical Education to the Department of Information Technology. No. AR-15/1/85 19-08-2004 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM
3 3.10 Change of nomenclature of the Department of Wastelands Development to that of Land Resources Development NO.WD/GEN-1/93 18-06-2004 Wastelands Development notification
15 15.11 Disciplinary proceedings against officials appointed on election duty NO.AR-15/7/94 26-03-2001 Personnel and Administrative Reforms jurisdiction of election servants deputed election duties memorandum order NO.4/2002/JS-11 election commission disciplinary jurisdiction section 13CC 1950 section 28A 1951 supreme court toto
3 3.9 Creation of a separate Municipal Administration Cell NO.AR-3/GEN-103/2003 11-12-2003 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification LSG Municipalities Act grant-in-Aids
3 3.8 Creation of new Department of Information Technology No.AR-3/Gen-111/2003 03-11-2003 Personnel and Administrative Reforms NOTIFICATION IT Policy, Council Bandwidth management and planning internet MICHE (SPIU)
3 3.7 Creation of new Engineering Division for the Department of Underdeveloped Areas. NO.WH/ESTT/DUA/1/2003 18-07-2003 Works & Housing creation notification
15 15.10 Amendment of Nagaland Government Servants Conduct Rules, 1968-Prohibition of sexual harassment of working women NO.AR-3/GEN-28/98 22-05-2000 Personnel and Administrative Reforms notification amendment rule 2000 official gazette
15 15.9 Suspension of Officials-follow up of Action Thereof. NO.AR-2/6/89 07-09-1989 Personnel and Administrative Reforms MEMORANDUM corruption indiscipline violation disciplinary action enquiry report justice
15 15.8 Disposal of Disciplinary proceedings against officers/staffs - Appropriate enquiry Investigation etc. NO.PER/VIG/77 02-03-1988 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM vigilance commission officers staff Gov. Resolution No. CON. 58/75 transaction investigation complaints integrity malpractices misdemeanors maintenance statistics annual report state assembly sub-rule 10 1967
3 3.6 Creation of new Department of Underdeveloped Areas. No. AR-6/4/7 23-06-2003 Personnel and Administrative Reforms NOTIFICATION create Tuensang and Mon Districts
15 15.7 Security of official information and documents. NO.SAB-29/1/84(PT) 05-09-1986 Home OFFICE MEMORANDUM officials non-officials files officer branch secretariat buildings permanent temporary passes superintendent Indian secret. Act. 1923 criminal offences check gate receipt memo
15 15.6 Engaged in executing contract and supply works by the Govt. servants/ in the names of relatives by using fictitious names NO.AR-13/2/85 13-12-1985 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM contract supply works fictitious rule, 1968
3 3.4 Amalgamation of Nagaland Police Radio Organisation and the Nagaland Armed Police Wirless No.POL-16/PR/8/83 20-07-1995 Home NOTIFICATION Nagaland Police Telecommunication Organisation NPR for shoulder and Cap Badges. S.P. Wireless DGP
3 3.3 Amalgamation of Engineering wings attached to various Government Departments NO.AR-13/6/88 25-05-1989 Personnel and Administrative Reforms Cadre management and technical supervision
15 15.5 Taking Part in Demonstration by Government Servants. NO.AR-11/7/76(VIG) 17-03-1983 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM agitation policy prejudicial security state public order rule 25(3)(i) 1968 compliance participate sovereignty integrity foreign state order decency morality court defamation incitement offence delinquent departments contents administrative control
15 15.4 Taking Part in Politics and Election. NO.PAR/VIG/2/13/82 04-12-1982 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM, politics, election, rule 24(1)(2) 1968 organizations canvass candidate legislative local authority vote performance vehicle residence electoral symbol superior report facts chief secretary proposing nomination polling agent scope final complaints rule 24(1)(2)
3 3.2 Amalgation of all engineering wings attached to various Govt. Departments of Nagaland NO.AR-13/6/88 06-12-1988 Personnel and Administrative Reforms recommendation of the Expert Committee amalgamation
15 15.3 Submission of petitions/representations regarding their service maters direct to the Government NO.PAR/MIS-6/81 01-08-1981 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM, Administrative officers petitions procedure decorum rule 19 1968 punished for violation conduct rules deputy commissioners addl. acknowledged
3 3.1 Renaming of the Electricity Department as Department of Power No.AR-4/5/76 18-08-1981 Personnel and Administrative Reforms NOTIFICATION rename addressed
15 15.2 Declaration of assets by the Government Servant NO.APPT(B)-8/6/68(2) 21-04-1977 Personnel and Administrative Reforms office memorandum, conduct rule 13 submit first appointment to any service of post and there-after every year as on first january, assets liabilities rule 13(3), 1968 transaction property owned name member of family Class-I Class-II Class-III post sanction authority purchases disciplinary action officers
2 2.12 Revocation of instructions requiring post facto approval of P&AR and Finance Departments after the matter is decided by the Cabine No. AR-3/Gen-58/2001 (Pt) 16-11-2015 Personnel and Administrative Reforms should obtain ex-post facto clearance from P&AR and Finance Departments within a period of 15(fifteen) days from thedateofreceiptof Cabinet approval. Rule 24(2) 10(1)
2 2.11 Amendment of Rule 34(2) of the Nagaland Rules of Executive Business, 1980. No. AR-6/4/78(Pt-1) 12-12-2013 Personnel and Administrative Reforms NOTIFICATION doubt has arisen approval cases enumerated in Rule 34(2) of the Nagaland Rules of Executive Business:
2 2.10 Amendment of the Nagaland Rules of Executive Business. 1980 incorporating Parliamentary Secretaries NO. AR-6/4/78 07-09-2013 Personnel and Administrative Reforms NOTIFICATION clauses (2) and (3) of Article 166 of the constitution of lndia Rule 5 of the Rulesof Executive Business 20 22A
2 2.9 Cadre Management of Nagaland Secretariat Service NO AR-6/4/78 04-03-2008 Personnel and Administrative Reforms order clauses (2) and (3) of the Article 166 of the Constitution of India Executive Council certain re-allocation of the business of Government of Nagaland Ministry of Tribal Affairs under Article 275(1) contract/adhoc/fixed pay LDAs and Stenographers Home Department
2 2.8 Obtaining of the concurrence of Finance Department before submitting any matter to the Cabinet involving financial implications for the State. No.FIN/EXP(A)/1-6/2002 08-05-2007 Finance OFFICE MEMORANDUM Rule IO Rules of Executive Business "No Department shall, without previous consultation with the Finance Department, authorise any orders (other than orders pursuant to any general delegation made by the Finance Department) which either immediately or by their repercussion will effect the Finance of theState Rule 40 consultation
15 15.1 Nagaland Government Servants Conduct Rules, Rule 4(2) NO.APPT(BT)-8/6/68(PT-III) 30-03-1997 Personnel and Administrative Reforms memorandum, rule 4 (2), official duties, rule 15 (2), nagaland service conduct rules, receipt, appointing authorities
2 2.7 Powers, facilities and facilities of Parliamentary Secretaries -revised Notification. Appointment and removal No.PARLI-10/1/2004 22-07-2005 Parliamentary Affairs notification Parliamentary Secretaries Government of Nagaland appointed and removed by the Chief Minister addressing a letter resign Legislative Assembly Special Invitee Ministers' Salaries and Allowance Act 1964 Memorandum No.SA B 12/43 (Pt.III) dated 28.1.2002
2 2.6 Powers functions and facilities of Parliamentary Secretaries NO.PARLI-101/2004 26-07-2004 Parliamentary Affairs notification access, accommodation house bungalow, administer, admissible, affairs, after, aides, allowance, appointed, appointment, appropriate, approval, assembly, assign, assigned, decision, department, directed, discharging, documents, driver,
14 14.11 Casual leave admissibility No. AR-13/12/78 (Pt) 24-01-2020 Personnel and Administrative Reforms account, accounts, admissible, al, amount, an, annexure, authority, avail, availed, beyond, branch, establishment, calendar, casual, central, civil, commissioners, compile, compliance, controlling, days, department, departments, deputy, designation, despite, districts, do, does, employee, employees, ensure, establishment, exceed, fallows, government, headquarters, holiday, holidays, i, impressed, its, kindly, leave, leave restricted, limit, maintain, maintenance, many, maximum, may, memorandum, name, number, observed, office, officers, om, proper, provided, record, records, register, remarks, respective, restricted, rules, section branch, servants, service, shown, strict, taken, tendency, twelve, under, upon, year
14 14.10 Enhancement of Maternity Leave from 90 days to 180 days for the State Government female employees. No. AR-3/GEN-190/2001 08-07-2017 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM, leave, abortion, account, administrative, adopted, against, amended, an, applicable, ar3gen1902001, authority, before, branch, case, ccs, central, certificate, changes, children, civil, combined, commencement, competent, conditions, consequently, date, dated, days, debited, department, drawn, during, effect, employee, employees, enhance, enhanced, enhancement, entire, entitled, equal, exceeding, existing, expired, female, following, from, government, governor, grant, granted, having, however, i, ii, immediately, including, interest, irrespective, its, iv, july, kind, kohima, lave, leave, less, lii, march, maternity, may, medical, memorandum, miscarriage, nagaland, number, office, only, order, other, over, paid, pay, per, period, personnel, pleased, position, proceedings, production, provisions, public, reforms, relating, reviewed, rules, said, salary, selling, servant, service, services, shall, she, state, sub, such, surviving, take, these, time, two, under, upto, women, years
14 14.9 Paternity Leave for the State Goverment Employees No. AR-3/GEN-190/2000 11-07-2019 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM, account, against, allow, an, applicable, apprentice, approval, authority, availed, before, cab22013, cabinet, child, childbirth, children, combined, competent, concurrence, conditions, confinement, css, date, dated, days, debited, delivery, department, drawn, during, effect, employee, equal, fifteen, finance, following, from, government, governor, grant, granted, he, his, i, ie, if, ii, iii, immediate, immediately, including, issued, iv, july, kind, lapsed, leave, less, limit, male, may, memorandum, months, nagaland, office, or, other, paid, paternity, pay, per, period, pleased, proceeding, pt, rcestt, rules, salary, shall, six, state, such, surviving, time, treated
2 2.5 Amendment of the Nagaland Rules of Executive Business, 1980 incorporating Parliamentary Secretaries. NO.AR-6/4/78 26-07-2004 Personnel and Administrative Reforms NOTIFICATION
14 14.8 Enhancement of Maternity Leave from 90 days to 180 days for the State Government female employees. No. AR-3/GEN-190/2000 03-04-2017 Personnel and Administrative Reforms abortion, account, adopted, against, amended, applicable, authority, before, case, ccs, ceiling, central, certificate, changes, children, civil, combined, commencement, competent, conditions, consequently, date, days, debited, drawn, during, effect, employee, employees, enhance, enhanced, entire, entitled, equal, exceeding, existing, expired, female, following, from, government, governor, grant, granted, having, however, i, immediately, including, interest, irrespective, its, iv, kind, leave, less, march, maternity, may, medical, miscarriage, nagaland, number, only, orders, other, over, paid, pay, per, period, pleased, position, proceeding, production, provisions, public, relating, reviewed, rules, said, salary, servant, service, services, shall, she, state, such, surviving, take, these, time, two, under, upto, v, vi, women, years
14 14.7 Review of granting incentives to Government employees who acquire higher qualification by availing Study Leave. No. AR-3/Gen-204/2009 17-06-2014 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM, academic, acquire, acquires, acquiring, acquisition, admissible, advance, allowed, already, amended, amount, an, appointment, approval, ar3gen2042009, arising, assignment, at, available, availing, avails, based, below, case, central, clarification, consider, considered, continue, convert, date, dated, decided, decision, degree, department, departmental, departments, desirable, detailed, directly, discontinue, done, down, drawing, education, educational, effect, effective, eligible, employee, employees, essential, existing, extension, file, five, following, follows, four, fr, from, functions, further, given, government, grant, granted, granting, guiding, heshe, higher, himher, humanities, i, i1, if, iii, immediate, incentive, incentives, incorporated, increment, incrementbased, increments, india, into, issued, iv, june, juniors, kohima, laid, later, leave, leaves, lieu, like, listed, literary, lumsump, made, make, maximum, may, mba, memorandum, minimum, modifies, more, need, next, notification, now, office, official, one, only, or, other, out, par, pay, per, performed, post, present, presently, principle, prior, procedure, provision, provisions, purely, put, qualification, qualifications, recruitment, referred, related, relaxation, replacement, requested, requisite, respective, review, reviewed, rs, rules, scheme, sending, servant, service, shall, should, six, some, sponsored, state, stepping, stipulating
2 2.4 Files to be endorsed to Chief Minister after routing through Chief Secretary. NO.AR-6/4/78 26-07-2004 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM without routing file Chief Secretary Rule 29 (6) (a) Executive Business Secretary Department comments motion
2 2.3 Endorsement of important Notifications/OM to the Governor No.AR-12/44/81 31-03-1997 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM not endorsed important notifications, Office Memorandum, Circulars other instructions issued various Departments Governor's Secretariat information record
2 2.2 Restriction of Tour outside the State NO.AR-12/1/89 05-10-1995 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM -Restriction Tour outside State. poor financial position Commissioner & Secretary/Secretaries and Heads of Department are going of the State without prior approval of Chief Secretary without proper and defined duties.
2 2.1 To follow the procedures laid down in the Rules of Executive Business No.NGO-146/92 05-05-1993 NA OFFICE MEMORANDUM attention Administrative Secretaries Departments provisions Rules Executive Business transaction Government business Rules 13 to 19 read with 29(6)(a) where procedure for the Cabinet has been prescribed and Rule 34(1) and (2 appointments postings, Centre State relations, Inter-State relations, Raj Bhavan Supreme Court, High Courts, Government of Myanmar
14 14.6 Relaxation For Granting Study-leave to Government Servants NO. AR -2/1/87 09-12-2009 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM, central, civil, continuous, criteria, eligibility, employees, existing, five, from, fulfillment, government, governor, grant, interest, leave, nagaland, other, pleased, public, relax, relaxation, rule, rules, service, services, state, stipulated, studyleave, subject, two, under, years
1 1.17 Instruction for strict compliance of Manual of Office Procedure by Officers and Staffs NO AR-3/Gen-183/2008 01-04-2019 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM Arial font ( 12 size) with one and half line introduction background subject secret summary rejection cabinet
14 14.5 Grant of Leave for the purpose of study within India under Regulation 3 (4) (ii) of the IAS (Study leave) Regulations, 1960 NO. 11020/02/2003-AIS-III 14-06-2004 Personnel & Training aforementioned, after, age, ais, amendment, attain, brought, central, complete, concurrence, cooling, copy, country, date, decided, delegated, delegating, department, division, dopt, due, duty, enclosed, eo, executive, expected, expiry, follow, following, from, government, governments, grant, granted, guidelines, he, ii, incase, india, instructions, kind, leave, limit, may, member, members, ministries, ministries, departments, ministriesstate, notice, now, off, or, other, per, please, powers, prescribed, proposals, provisions, purpose, qualifying, reach, receiving, recommending, regulation, regulations, relaxed, requested, return, service, services, should, state, study, subject, superannuation, tenure, three, time, upper, waiver, well, wherein, within, working, years
1 1.16 Submission of Cabinet Memorandum-instructions /guidelines thereof. No. CAB-1/2000 27-03-2015 Cabinet Secretariat office memorandum, cabinet,
1 1.15 Submission of Cabinet Memorandum NO.CAB-1/99-2000 18-08-2003 Cabinet Secretariat office memorandum, memos illegible
14 14.4 Study leaves to Doctors pursuing Post Graduate Course in the field of Medicines NO.MED-9/AE/1/99(A) 29-03-2001 Health & Family Welfare academic, clearance, course, dated, department, doctors, effect, enhance, field, from, government, governor, graduate, grievances, india, issues, leave, letter, medicines, memorandum, ministry, months, nagaland, no130231787esttl, no13023198esttl, nomed9ae199a, office, p, pensions, periodduration, personnel, pleased, post, public, pursuance, pursuing, study, training, uono79, vide, year, yrs
14 14.3 Sub:- Changed procedure for grant of study leave to regular government officials who have previously been on contract service. NO.AR-2/1/87 04-12-1997 Personnel and Administrative Reforms applications, apply, appointments, approach, at, avoid, aware, benefit, between, break, brought, calculating, cases, change, changed, claimed, clarified, consequently, considered, considering, continued, contract, count, counted, counting, credit, day, deal, decided, departments, district, down, effect, enable, envisaged, extended, fact, five, followed, following, from, get, given, go, government, grant, granted, had, henceforth, however, i, ie, immediate, immediately, including, individual, ineligible, instead, issued, known, laid, lave, leave, less, long, made, make, many, may, more, normal, notice, number, objective, offices, official, officials, one, only, or, orders, out, past, per, period, periods, pointed, presently, procedure, purpose, reason, regular, regularised, requested, revised, rules, service, similarly, since, situation, stage, state, study, subject, such, temporary, terminated, time, total, ultimate, under, unless, years
1 1.14 Publication of Notifications in the Official Gazette NO. AR-12/3/89 05-04-2002 Personnel and Administrative Reforms MEMORANDUM Publication Notifications Official Gazette promulgation or amendment of rules Nagaland Legislative Assembly bye-laws orders appointments promotions
1 1.13 Submission of Cabinet Memo with the prior approval of competent authority NO AR-12/3/89 28-06-2001 Personnel and Administrative Reforms MEMORANDUM Cabinet Memorandums submitted Cabinet Cell consideration Cabinet without the prior approval competent authority violation laid-down procedures
1 1.12 Submission of Cabinet Memo with the prior approval of competent authority No.AR-5/1/88(PT) 06-06-2001 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM Department matters Cabinetapproval without consulting the competent Department. The Rules of Executive Business i Notification No.AR-11/4/77 28/7/80 clearly prescribe consultation/ concwTence Finance, Law, P&AR or Planning Department
1 1.11 Quick Disposal of Official Matters NO.AR-8/3/92 20-07-1992 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM Quick Disposal Official Matters inordinately delayed information within stipulated period Dak Runners
1 1.10 Allotment of specific visiting hour for Public No. GAB-17/14/86 19-11-1986 Home OFFICE MEMORANDUM specific visiting hours public representatives grievances one or 2 hours a day
1 1.9 Misuse of Typewriters and Duplicators NO.NAZ-5/85 Home OFFICE MEMORANDUM Misuse Typewriters Duplicators repairs replacements unauthorized people broken missing
1 1.8 Toning of Administrative Machineries in the Government Departments NO.AR.12/1/85 22-03-1985 Personnel and Administrative Reforms MEMORANDUM every morning by the first hour functioning Commissioner, I.G.P. Chief Minister
1 1.7 Endorsement of files to P & AR Department NO.AR-12/44/81 30-11-1981 Personnel and Administrative Reforms MEMORANDUM seniority/ promotion/ supersession upgradation re-opening cases
1 1.6 Correspondence address of the Government Departments by Subordinate officers of the directorate norms/procedure of No.AR-12/34/80 15-10-1980 Personnel and Administrative Reforms MEMORANDUM Manual Office Procedure 69 item (v) under Chapter-VII of Manual of Office Procedure I am or directed to say
1 1.5 Colour ink for use in office work No.AR-12/24/79 11-10-1979 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM different colour of ink Blue/Blue-Black Green red
14 14.2 Grant of leaves/ extension of leave-restriction thereof NO.SAB-7/8/76 11-10-1986 Home office memorandum nagaland civil secretariat earned commuted casual leave authorised absence headquarters medical health ground almirah extra ordinary leave
1 1.4 Forwarding of applications to Public Service Commision in respect of serving candidates under the Government/Quasi- Government Organizations. NO.AR-8/34/76 30-05-1978 Personnel and Administrative Reforms OFFICE MEMORANDUM Public Service Commission candidates Government/Quasi-Government Organisations Public Service Commission un-reasonable requests/proposals No Objection Certificate
1 1.3 Instructions for issue of D.O. letter No.AR-11/1/78 11-04-1978 Personnel and Administrative Reforms MEMORANDUM typing D.O. letter Section/Branch DRAFT
14 14.1 Grant of Earned Leave NO.AR-13/14/75 29-10-1975 Home office memorandum administrative reforms (O&M) branch sanction gazetted staff receipt
1 1.2 Speedy Disposal of Government Business. No.AR-1/1/76(Pt-II) 18-08-1976 Home office memorandum inter departmental consultation comments available time limit
1 1.1 Instructions for use of full signature/Block letters under notes on files. No.AR-11/4/75 19-07-1976 Home initials notes on files signatures illegible OFFICE MEMORANDUM